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Scribed by Dennis

Firefox iOS and Webcompat (karl)

Let's make Progress on UA override for Firefox iOS. I have created a channel so that we can discuss together about the options on both diagnosing and UA overrides.

  • Karl: I started a Slack channel for discussion. Tom is working on investigating the possiblity to port Shims. Lots of open questions.
  • Karl: The iOS team doesn't have too many resources, so we might have to do a bit of work ourselves. And we need resources for diagnosis, too. Ksenia made progress on the BugBug integration, so it soon might be useful for triaging Firefox for iOS issues.
  • Karl: Also seems like the number of reports per week seems to be stable at ~700.
  • Tom: Do we know if the iOS stuff is mostly duplicates, or all unique issues?
  • Oana: Lots of duplicates, lots of issues with signing into things. Lots of incomplete/invalid issues.
  • Karl: That's cool, if they're all duplicates of UA-based issues, we can solve a lot of issues with a small amount of UA overrides.
  • Karl: Triaging iOS issues is complicated, because you need "the right" device to test. Some sites detect iPods, iPads, iPhones, ... differently.

Diagnosis (karl)

We need an extra effort on diagnosis

  • dennis: Had to get some stuff off my plate last week, but I'm on it now :)
  • tom: as am I
  • Karl: I'll take care of most of the iOS issues, so that everyone else can focus on Gecko debugging. Good news is that a lot of iOS issues are broken UA sniffing.

Shims status update (Tom)

  • Tom: Basic shims (stuff without UI needs) are shipped in Firefox 87. Things that require UI interaction (for user opt-in) is on-track for Firefox 89, but it might be in 90 as well. Doing a phased-release, now on Phase 2 and I hope everything goes smoothly.
  • Tom: I'll re-investigate all issues that needs shims soon to see if we can fix things better or if we can fix more things.
  • Tom: This might also ship in Firefox Focus, they're working on adding the android-component as well.

Mozilla Jira (Oana)

When are we going to start using it?

  • Karl: I opened many tracking-issues for the WebCompat team on Jira to track the work we're currently doing and work that might be done in the future. I opened something like 20 issues. Need to discuss with Joe on "what's right".
  • Karl: Per Andrew's message, Jira is pretty much only for project/product management. Doesn't seem like it should be the place to track ongoing work, and not the place engineers should interact with. It's probably the manager's task to keep those issues updated.
  • Oana: At Softvision, we use Jira to track all our work.
  • Karl: If you want, everyone can get an account on the Jira and create issues/search issues/comment on stuff.

Two Minutes ( 👹 )

The useful, the silly, the things you did in the last 7 days. Pro and Perso accepted.

  • Dennis: Had to prove (successfully) the German tax office that they're unable to do math. Investigated some weird touchmove event issues on Fenix caused by pull-to-refresh.
  • James: MDN testing report published. WebDriver BiDi design doc. Writing report on wpt authoring in last two years. Fixed some exciting WebSockets intermittents in wpt that affected sync
  • Karl: Planted 20 days red radish. Studying the Firefox iOS issues to understand the pattern. Learning how to be a better PHB.
  • Kate: Family stuff, hoping to join a meeting again soon!
  • Ksenia: worked on integrating bugbug. Soon training models.
  • Oana: Lots of Triage and moderation. On 22nd of April for 1:30 there will be a Test Party in Softvision on Webcompat - we might get some issues. I did a bit o gardening, planted radish, carrots, letuce, onion.
  • Raul: Lots of Triage and moderation. PTO today (something urgent came up).
  • Thomas: Shims phase 2 work; might land in 89, if not then 90. Forming some bridges to get shims/webcompat addon on Focus and iOS. Some reviews. Diagnosis work, too. Also, spring is making life feel less moody, even during covid lockdowns (but also giving me the usual pollen allergies).

PTO / Travel ( 👹 )

(no more travel until the end of 2021… probably) Coming holidays across the world June 22-26 (TomW, PTO) April 13 (Raul, PTO)

FYI: 2021H1 Ideas (karl)

Let's keep this around so we have a reference.