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The MDN community meeting takes place in the #mdn channel on at:


Since lots of people lurk in #mdn, if you're actively attending the meeting please speak up and introduce yourself.

  • Attending: Jean-Yves, Sheppy, Janet, Chris Mills

Kudos to the sv-SE l10n team who translated 100% of the MDN UI, finishing last week! This is an amazing achievement!

Help wanted

  • (Jean-Yves) Saurabh has set up a BugsAhoy page : it is a list of documentation bugs with mentors. Link:
  • (Jean-Yves) We have decided to analyze how we can improve l10n on MDN. We would like to improve the UI as well as to build more and better CFH inside the content. We plan to run _experiments_ in Q1 to see how it can be improved. You can help with any ideas of improvement or experiments to run. A more formal e-mail to dev-mdc is scheduled for the near future.
  • (Janet) We need help with editorial review in English:


Is there anything keeping you from making progress?

What are you working on?

Please share recent accomplishments, and goals you have for the next few weeks.

  • (Chris) Learning area update, just wanted to talk about it and see who's interested in help out on Learning content next year (see this thread.)
  • (Sheppy) Should have the WebRTC signaling/video sample article finished in the next day or two at long last; finished doing a round of code cleanup last night to make the examples easier to read in the context of being partitioned up in an article and back to prose this morning.
  • (Sheppy/All) We had a lot of great meetings and discussions in Orlando last week and some of the results may take a little time to get fully written up and shared with everybody. Thanks to everyone involved in all of those conversations! Expect more details on the mailing lists soon.




  • Janet will add a link to BugsAhoy on the Getting Started page.


Anything else we need to discuss synchronously?

  • Continuing this meeting time?
    • We will continue this experiment for another 3 months. Jean-Yves will moderate the "early" meetings (with reminder from Janet).
  • With the holidays, end-of-Q4 rush, and planning for both Q1 and 2016 going on, everyone's very busy. In case time runs away from us: thanks for being with us in 2015, and we hope to see you in 2016! We have a big, fantastic year ahead!