Releases/Firefox 3.1b2/BuildNotes

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Build Engineers

release tracking bug

Signed-off Revision


Build 1:

Module Tag Changeset

All l10n repositories listed in l10n-changesets were tagged with

Build data

Type Build ID Build machine
[Windows installer/zip]
[Mac compressed]
[Linux compressed]


  • Did some disk cleanup before starting
  • Free space:
    • moz2-linux-slave02: 8.8G free
    • moz2-linux-slave05: 8.6G free
    • moz2-linux-slave06: 8.7G free
    • moz2-linux-slave11: 11G free
    • moz2-linux-slave12: 9.0G free
    • moz2-linux-slave14: 8.2G free
    • moz2-linux-slave15: 9.0G free
    • moz2-linux-slave16: 8.9G free
    • bm-xserve16: 18Gi free
    • bm-xserve17: 21Gi free
    • bm-xserve18: 18Gi free
    • bm-xserve19: 19Gi free
    • moz2-darwin9-slave02: 21Gi free
    • moz2-win32-slave01: 6.82GB
    • moz2-win32-slave02: 7.71GB
    • moz2-win32-slave05: 7.50GB
    • moz2-win32-slave06: 8.18GB
    • moz2-win32-slave11: 7.75GB
    • moz2-win32-slave12: 8GB
    • moz2-win32-slave13: 7.66GB
    • moz2-win32-slave15: 5.31GB
    • moz2-win32-slave16: 8.69GB
    • moz2-win32-slave17: 12GB
    • moz2-win32-slave18: 6.92GB

Build 1

Kicked off automation with:

buildbot sendchange --master=localhost:9010 --username=bhearsum --branch=mozilla-central -m "Firefox 3.1b2 build1 try#1" gogogo


  • Builds failed out with bug 458911
    • Somehow, the process/ Buildbot patch which was deployed for 3.1b1 got reverted. Had to reapply it and restart the Buildbot master to pick it up.
  • 'hg push' to mozilla-central failed because of the new 'closed tree' hook. Opened the tree and pushed changes manually this time. To fix in the future, need to resolve bug 466657
  • Automation did not bump js/src/config/milestone.txt (this is a recently added file). Bumped it manually this time. Still investigating as to whether or not it is used for anything other than 'make check'. In any case, filed bug 466663 to get this fixed for the future.


  • No problems


  • No problems
  • Created *_info.txt files on stage
  • Created basic directory structure on stage:
# as
cd /home/ftp/pub/firefox/nightly
mkdir -p 3.1b2-candidates/build1
cd 3.1b2-candidates/build1
mkdir -p linux-i686/en-US mac/en-US unsigned/win32/en-US update/linux-i686/en-US update/mac/en-US unsigned/update/win32/en-US source
  • Uploaded linux build:
# cltbld@moz2-linux-slave06
cd /builds/moz2_slave/linux_build/build/obj-firefox
make package MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
make -C tools/update-packaging MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
cd dist
rsync -av linux-i686
rsync -av update
  • Uploaded mac build:
# cltbld@bm-xserve17
cd /builds/moz2_slave/macosx_build/build/obj-firefox/ppc
make package MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
make -C tools/update-packaging MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
rsync -av mac
rsync -av update
  • Uploaded win32
# cltbld@moz2-win32-slave13
cd /e/builds/moz2_slave/win32_build/build/obj-firefox
make package MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
make installer MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
make -C tools/update-packaging MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
cd dist/win32/en-US
scp *
cd ../../../update/win32/en-US
scp *

Repack v1

Done on moz2-linux-slave06, bm-xserve17, moz2-win32-slave13 - the first time. Had to re-do it because of problems with the MARs (see update_verify section for details). (had to locally modify because of os-specific problems)

  • trimmed ja-JP-mac out on linux & win32, trimmed ja out on mac
  • should have 53 locales per platform - verified this with some bash-fu:
cd mozilla-central/obj/dist
# builds
find {linux-i686,mac,win32} -type f | wc -l
53 # yay
# langpacks
find langpack -type f | wc -l
53 # yay
# mars
find l10n-stage/update/ -type f | wc -l
53 # yay

To push builds:

rsync -av linux-i686
rsync -av langpack/
rsync -av l10n-stage/update

To push builds:

rsync -av mac
rsync -av langpack/
rsync -av l10n-stage/update

To push builds:

cd obj/dist
scp win32 l10n-stage/update
scp langpack/* l10n-stage/update
win32 af

For some reason, af was not built during the first l10n run. I had to go back and re-do it:

cd /e/builds/releases/l10n/3.1b2/mozilla-central/obj
make -C browser/locales installers-af ZIP_IN=`pwd`/ WIN32_INSTALLER_IN=`pwd`/firefox-installer.exe MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1
make -C tools/update-packaging DIST=`pwd`/dist/l10n-stage MOZ_PKG_PRETTYNAMES=1 AB_CD=af
cd dist/win32
scp -r af
cd ../langpack
scp af.xpi
cd ../l10n-stage/update/win32
scp -r af

To sign:

cd ~/signing-work/firefox-3.1b2
export MAR=`pwd`/mar.exe
export SEVENZIP=`pwd`/7-Zip/7z.exe
export UPX_BIN=`pwd`/upx/upx.exe
mkdir -p unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/win32/xpi unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/update/win32
rsync -av --exclude '*.zip' -e ssh unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/win32
rsync -av --exclude '*.zip' -e ssh unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/win32/xpi
rsync -av --exclude '*.zip' -e ssh unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/update/win32
rsync -av --exclude '*unsigned*' unsigned-af-build1/ signed-af-build1/
mkdir -p signed-af-build1/win32 signed-af-build1/update/win32
rsync -av signed-build1/win32/en-US signed-af-build1/win32/
rsync -av signed-build1/update/win32/en-US signed-af-build1/update/win32/
# these aren't used, but needs them or it bails
rsync -av unsigned-build1/unsigned/win32/en-US unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/win32/
rsync -av unsigned-build1/unsigned/update/win32/en-US unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/update/win32/
perl ./signing/ -M dir -a firefox --release FIREFOX_3_0_3_RELEASE -d unsigned-af-build1/unsigned -o signed-af-build1 -p 2>&1 | tee -a win32_signing_build${BUILD}.log
# paranoia - verify en-US installer/mar in signed dir are unchanged
md5sum signed-build1/win32/en-US/Firefox\ Setup\ 3.1\ Beta\ 2.exe
md5sum signed-af-build1/win32/en-US/Firefox\ Setup\ 3.1\ Beta\ 2.exe
md5sum signed-build1/update/win32/en-US/firefox-3.1b2.complete.mar
md5sum signed-af-build1/update/win32/en-US/firefox-3.1b2.complete.mar
diff -rq unsigned-af-build${BUILD}/unsigned/ signed-af-build${BUILD}/ | \
 grep -E '(\.exe|\.mar)\ ' | wc -l

find unsigned-af-build${BUILD}/unsigned/ -name '*.exe' -or -name '*.mar' | wc -l

mkdir -p signed-af-build1/win32/af
rsync -av ./unsigned-af-build1/unsigned/win32/xpi ./signed-af-build1/win32
cd signed-af-build1/win32
# move en-US out of the way so it doesn't get resigned
mv en-US ~/
sign-release .
verify-signatures .
cd ../
mv update/win32/en-US ~/en-US-update
sign-files .
mv ~/en-US win32
mv ~/en-US-update update/win32/en-US
find . -not -wholename '*update*' -not -name "*.xpi" -not -name "*.asc" \
 -not -name "*.txt" -not -name "*.log" -type f | wc -l

find -name "*.asc" -type f | wc -l

cd ..
# only files listed here should the 'af' mar, exe and associated asc, and xpi
rsync -n -e ssh -av signed-af-build1/
# now do the actual upload
rsync -e ssh -av signed-af-build1/

I also manually updated MD5SUMS and SHA1SUMS on stage.

Repack v2

Because of problems with the MARs we had to redo all l10n work. Second time around done on: moz2-linux-slave06, bm-xserve17, and moz2-win32-slave05.

  • Used slightly modified versions of this script to do l10n: (had to locally modify because of os-specific problems)

  • trimmed ja-JP-mac out on linux & win32, trimmed ja out on mac
  • should have 53 locales per platform - verified this with some bash-fu:
cd mozilla-central/obj/dist
# builds
find {linux-i686,mac,win32} -type f | wc -l
53 # yay
# langpacks
find langpack -type f | wc -l
53 # yay
# mars
find update/ -type f | wc -l
53 # yay

To push builds:

rsync -av linux-i686
rsync -av langpack/
rsync -av update

To push builds:

rsync -av mac
rsync -av langpack/
rsync -av update

To push builds:

rsync -av win32 update
rsync -av langpack/



  • Had to check in a bustage fix for (syntax error)
  • Error resolving while doing en-US signing - had to restart
  • Had timestamp problem at the start of l10n installer signing - had to restart
  • checksum-files did not generate an md5 or sha1 sum for the source bundle bug 466823
  • No other problems


l10n v1
  • Failed to download previous and current builds - bug 451398
    • Worked around by downloading builds manually:
rsync -Lav -e ssh* firefox-3.1b2-build1/
rsync -Lav -e ssh* firefox-3.1b2-build2/
l10n v2
  • Downloading builds worked this time (a fix was checked in for it).
  • Failed to unpack and diff win32 builds - '7z' was not found.
    • Copied 7z and 7za from bm-xserve05 to all the macs in the pool - tested it out on the command line first - no problems.
    • Everything ran fine this time.
  • Many locales were only found in firefox-3.1b2-build1/
    • This is fine - they weren't shipped in 3.1b1
  • Lots of bogus output because of the firefox/Firefox directory mismatch between 3.1b1 and 3.1b2
  • Actual string changes:
    • userChrome-example.css
      • Part of this file was deleted from mozilla-central, not all locales picked it up. This we get output in the metadiff for it.

Generate Updates and push test snippets

l10n v1
  • Patcher config diff returned -1, turned the step red - bug 466998
  • Download of builds failed because win32 'af' was missing. See 'win32 af' for regeneration of it.
  • Updates bails if you try to bump patcher config a second time - bug 466999
  • Failed to upload partial MARs - directory on stage is owned by cltbld, Updates tries to upload as ffxbld - bug 467000
  • Uploaded builds manually, ran the last few steps:
cd /builds/moz2_slave/updates/temp/firefox/3.1b1-3.1b2/ftp/firefox/nightly/3.1b2-candidates/build1
rsync -av -e ssh --exclude=*complete.mar update
cd /builds/moz2_slave/updates/temp/firefox/3.1b1-3.1b2
# Upload snippets
rsync -av aus2.test/
rsync -av aus2/
# Push test snippets, as cltbld@aus2-staging
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
~/bin/backupsnip 20081126-Firefox-3.1b2-test
~/bin/pushsnip 20081126-Firefox-3.1b2-test
l10n v2
  • Upload of win32 partials failed because permissions were wrong on that directory
    • Fixed permissions (find update/ -type d -exec 775 {} \;), commented out all previous steps, and re-ran
      • No problems after that

Update Verify

l10n v1
  • Failed on Linux because the directory inside the package is 'Firefox' rather than 'firefox'
    • This is fallout from bug 453840 - will be fixed going forward
    • Locally patched scripts to work around this for this release
      • Hardcoded $platform_dirname is check_updates to '[Ff]irefox'
  • Noticed on Mac update_verify (which doesn't suffer the same problem as Linux) that all locales were missing lots of files. It turns out that a recent change to browser/locales/ broke MAR generation. l10n builds and updates must be re-done after bug 466894 is fixed. See above for the details on that
l10n v2
  • Failed on Linux again because of the bad directory name inside of the package
    • Had to locally patch and run manually
      • Hardcoded $platform_dirname in to '[Ff]irefox'
  • Mac reported the following differences:
    • PlacesBackground.jsm
      • This file was removed between 3.1b1 and 3.1b2
    • Default Plugin.plugin
      • This was renamed to DefaultPlugin.plugin
      • Although this directory still exists there are no files inside of it - should not cause a problem. TODO: FILE A BUG AGAINST UPDATER OR SOMETHING
    • removed-files
      • modules/JSON.jsm only in 3.1b2 - this is fine, since this file was in 3.1b1 but not 3.1b2
    • zh-CN complete mar only: wikipedia-en-CN.xml only in 3.1b1
      • TODO: send e-mail about this

At this point, we decided to respin because we forgot to change the installed name to 'Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 2' (bug 467124). See Build 2 notes for more.

Build 2


  • Tag failed out at 'hg up -r NNNNNN' bug 467348
  • Kicked it along manually, no other problems.


No problems. Uploaded as follows:

cd /builds/moz2_slave/source
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa firefox-*


  • Created initial dir structure on stage:
cd /home/ftp/pub/firefox/nightly/3.1b2-candidates
mkdir build2 && cd build2
mkdir -p linux-i686/en-US mac/en-US update/linux-i686/en-US update/mac/en-US unsigned/win32/en-US unsigned/update/win32/en-US source
  • Created *_info.txt files on stage
  • Uploaded linux build:
# cltbld@moz2-linux-slave06
cd /builds/moz2_slave/linux_build/build/obj-firefox
make package 
make -C tools/update-packaging 
cd dist
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa firefox-3.1b2.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa update/firefox-3.1b2.en-US.linux-i686.complete.mar
  • Uploaded mac build:
# cltbld@bm-xserve16
cd /builds/moz2_slave/macosx_build/build/obj-firefox/ppc
make package
make -C tools/update-packaging
cd dist
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa firefox-3.1b2.en-US.mac.dmg
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa update/firefox-3.1b2.en-US.mac.complete.mar
  • Uploaded win32 build:
# cltbld@moz2-win32-slave16
cd /e/builds/moz2_slave/win32_build/build/obj-firefox
make package
make installer
make -C tools/update-packaging
cd dist
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa
cd install/sea
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa firefox-3.1b2.en-US.win32.installer.exe # then renamed it on stage
cd ../../update
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa firefox-3.1b2.en-US.complete.mar


  • Trimmed out ja-JP-mac on linux/win32, ja on mac
  • Should be 53 builds per platform, verified with bash-fu
cd obj
mkdir stage
cd stage
mkdir update
cp ../*.bz2 .
cp ../update/*.mar update/
# downloaded rename script from here:
perl ../ .
cd update
perl ../../ .
cd linux-i686
mkdir xpi
cd xpi
cp ../../../install/*.xpi .
for i in *.xpi; do locale=`echo $i | cut -f3 -d.`; mv $i $locale.xpi; done
cd ../../
# now in 'stage' directory again
rsync -e 'ssh -i /home/cltbld/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa' -av .
cd obj
mkdir stage
cd stage
mkdir update
cp ../*.dmg .
cp ../update/*.mar update/
# downloaded rename script from here:
perl ../ .
cd mac
for i in `find . -type d -not -iname xpi`; do cd $i && mv *.dmg "Firefox 3.1 Beta 2.dmg" && cd ..; done
cd ../update
for i in *.mar; locale=`echo $i | cut -d. -f3` && mkdir -p mac/$locale && mv $i mac/$locale/firefox-3.1b2.complete.mar; done
cd mac
mkdir xpi
cd xpi
cp ../../../install/*.xpi .
for i in *.xpi; do locale=`echo $i | cut -f3 -d.`; mv $i $locale.xpi; done
cd ../../
# now in 'stage' directory again
rsync -e 'ssh -i /Users/cltbld/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa' -av .
cd obj
mkdir stage
cd stage
mkdir update
cp ../*.zip .
cp ../install/sea/*.exe .
cp ../update/*.mar update/
perl ../ .
cd win32
for i in `find . -type d -not -iname xpi`; do cd $i && mv *.dmg "Firefox 3.1 Beta  2.dmg" && cd ..; done
cd ../update
for i in *.mar; do locale=`echo $i | cut -d. -f3` && mkdir -p win32/$locale && mv $i win32/$locale/firefox-3.1b2.complete.mar; done
cd win32
mkdir xpi
cd xpi
cp ../../../install/*.xpi .
for i in *.xpi; do locale=`echo $i | cut -f3 -d.`; mv $i $locale.xpi; done
cd ../../
# now in the 'stage' directory again
scp -r -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa *
Win32 again

Win32 mars were busted because they were built with the 3.1b2build1 zips. Had to re-do them. Deleted all l10n win32 builds on stage, re-pushed as follows:

cd obj/dist
mkdir stage
cd stage
mkdir update
cp ../*.zip .
cp ../install/sea/*.exe .
cp ../update/*.mar update/
perl ../ .
cd win32
for i in `find . -type d -not -iname xpi`; do cd $i && mv *.exe "Firefox Setup 3.1 Beta 2.exe" && cd ..; done
for i in `find . -type d -not -iname xpi`; do cd $i && mv *.zip && cd ..; done
cd ../update
for i in *.mar; do locale=`echo $i | cut -d. -f3` && mkdir -p win32/$locale && mv $i win32/$locale/firefox-3.1b2.complete.mar; done
cd win32
mkdir xpi
cd xpi
cp ../../../install/*.xpi .
for i in *.xpi; do locale=`echo $i | cut -f3 -d.`; mv $i $locale.xpi; done
cd ../../
# now in the 'stage' directory again
scp -r -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa *



  • No problems


  • Hung because's host key wasn't accepted on bm-xserve16
    • Accepted it, restarted.
  • Ran fine after restart
  • Lots of updated strings in the metadiff, nothing bad or out of the ordinary.

Generate Updates and push betatest snippets

  • Died when trying to push win32 partials bug 467000
    • Uploaded those manually
  • Uploaded snippets to aus2-staging
  • Before running pushsnip trimmed out win32 partials & linux zh-CN partials since they're broken anyways:
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging/20081203-Firefox-3.1b2-test/Firefox/3.1b1/WINNT_x86-msvc/20081007144708
for i in `ls | grep -v en-US`; do find $i -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -f {}/partial.txt \;; done
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging/20081203-Firefox-3.1b2/Firefox/3.1b1/WINNT_x86-msvc/20081007144708
for i in `ls | grep -v en-US`; do find $i -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -f {}/partial.txt \;; done

Update Verify

  • Linux
    • No zh-CN partial because it was trimmed out
    • No actual problems.
  • Mac
    • No problems.
  • Win32
    • No partials because they were trimmed out
    • No actual problems.

Update Bouncer

Manually added entries to

Push to mirrors

cd /home/ftp/pub/firefox/releases
rsync -av --exclude=*.log --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*unsigned* /home/ftp/pub/firefox/nightly/3.1b2-candidates/build2/ 3.1b2/
cp ../3.1b1/KEY .

Updated /pub/

Fix permissions:

* FIXME Need to create contrib/ and contrib-localized/ dirs in release structure, 
cd /pub/
mkdir contrib{,-localized}
chown cltbld:firefox contrib*
chmod 2775 contrib*
  • FIXME Ownership on release tree not all set to cltbld:firefox
chown -R cltbld:firefox *
  • FIXME permissions not set uniformly to 644 on files, and 755 on dirs (except contrib*)
find . ! -perm 644 -type f -exec chmod -v 644 {} \;
find . ! -perm 755 -type d ! -name '*contrib*' -ls -exec chmod -v 755 {} \;
  • checks
find . ! -user cltbld
find . ! -group firefox
find . -type f ! -perm 644
find . -type d ! -perm 755

Create and push releasetest channel snippets


# cltbld@aus2-staging
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
rsync -av 20081203-Firefox-3.1b2/ 20081203-Firefox-3.1b2-releasetest/
 for i in `find . -mindepth 5 -maxdepth 5`; do cd "$i"; mv beta releasetest; cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging/20081203-Firefox-3.1b2-releasetest; done
~/bin/backupsnip 20081203-Firefox-3.1b2-releasetest
~/bin/pushsnip 20081203-Firefox-3.1b2-releasetest

Final Verification

  • Failed out because it was wrong in the wrong directory bug 468459
  • A few negligible errors due to half synced mirrors that synced up later
  • Errors from non-en-US win32 builds (because we don't have partials there)
  • Otherwise everything is OK.

Publish Updates to Beta Channel

~/bin/pushsnip 20081203-Firefox-3.1b2


(Nothing to do here.)

Fix source tarball

bug 468745 reporting a problem with the source tarball - it did not contain js/src/configure. After the code was fixed, regenerated the tarball and pushed it like this:

# ffxbld@moz2-linux-slave06
cd /builds/moz2_slave/source
scp -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa firefox-*
# manually fixed MD5SUMS, SHA1SUMS
# push to releases:
rsync -av /home/ftp/pub/firefox/nightly/3.1b2-candidates/build2/*SUMS /home/ftp/pub/firefox/nightly/3.1b2-candidates/build2/source ./