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Fresh Start

It is vital for testing to begin from a completely "fresh" weave set-up. Sync is highly dependent on the starting state and the order of operations, so by starting from a clean set-up we can lock down one variable. This (lengthy) procedure is also the only way to change your passphrase at the moment:

  1. Reset the "lastSync" prefs (one per data type) in about:config, so that Weave uploads all items on next sync (instead of just changed items).
  2. Go into the login manager in the Fx prefs and delete the chrome://weave entries (the saved password & passphrase).
  3. Quit Firefox on *every* computer. This is *important*, because Weave caches the keys (since they are needed very often). You don't want to use an old key because:
  4. Delete *all* server data (including keys and crypto records). See the topic in the forum about curl.
  5. Start Firefox, login and choose your new passphrase.
  6. Delete also the chrome://weave entries in the password manager on the other computers and log in with the new passphrase.