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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

163 bytes added, 17:30, 30 October 2018
added bullet point about binding roots and subCAs to their corresponding CP/CPS
* The CP/CPS must be publicly available from the CA's official web site.
* The CP/CPS must contain text that binds the root certificate and all of its subordinate CAs to follow the practices and processes described in those documents.
* The format of the CP/CPS document must be PDF or another suitable format for reading documents. CAs should ''not'' use Microsoft Word or other formats intended primarily for editable documents.
* The CP/CPS must be available in an English version. The non-English version may be authoritative (as that's the working language of the CA) but the CA is responsible for ensuring that the translation is not materially different from the authoritative version of the document.
Confirm, administrator

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