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JRSL Chile

719 bytes added, 21:09, 6 July 2009
Mozilla Hispano Camp
=Mozilla Hispano Camp=
**Bring together the Mozilla Hispanic community for two days to discuss how to improve and continue developing the community as marketshare and mindshare continues to grow. ==Attendees==*A total of less than 25 people made up of**Mozilla Corporation employees**Mozilla Hispano contributors ==Format==Two day conference with a keynote (by choffman) and talks about community development, l10n, marketing and add-ons. (more details to come)**Talks will be given and chosen by community members and MoCo.  ==Facilities==Rooms and equipment furnished by INACAP free of charge.  ==Room and Board==*Rooms**Triples and Doubles covered by Mozilla*Meals**Breakfast covered by the hotel**Lunch each day furnished by INACAP.**Dinner covered by Mozilla ==Transport==*Airfare (coming soon)**Spain**Miami**Argentina**Colombia*Around the City**Subway: $2 from the hotel
=JRSL 2009=

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