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JRSL Chile

3,603 bytes removed, 22:25, 6 July 2009
Propostas de Palestras / Panels Proposals
**Subway: $2 roundtrip (per person) to conference.
= Propostas de Palestras / Panels Proposals ={| border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"! #! Nome! email! Título da Palestra! Resumo da Palestra! Sugestões e comentários gerais|- style="background:#ffffff; color:black"| 1 | Clauber Stipkovic| clauber dot halic at gmail dot com| Ubiquity - Um experimento em conectar a web com a linguagem| Mostrar o conceito de Mashups, qual é a idéia do Ubiquity, alguns recursos, e mostrar a criação de um comando no Ubiquity(bem simples).Google doc with all relevant information(Português/English)| - Como dito no tópico anterior, seria legal ter um dos desenvolvedores do ubiquity-core, inclusive um deles é brasileiro, e chama-se Fernando Takai.- Aceito sugestões :)|-| 2 | Marcio Galli | mgalli at| [ Social Media Player based on XULRunner - TagVisor]| Introduction to TagVisor, the open-source Social-aware media player powered by Mozilla and targeted to TV displays in social spaces. How the project relates to Mozilla framework, the framework and open widgets support, roadmap, and aspects of organizations working on Mozilla technology and sustain business model. | - Este projeto esta em desenvolvimento e apresentações sobre instalação no ICMC USP Sao Carlos - ICMC|-| 3| Andrea Balle e Mario Rinaldi| arballe at e lalo.rinaldi at| O Ecossistema da Raposa: A Comunidade Mozilla no Brasil| Google doc with all relevant information(Português/English): | Estamos abertos a sugestões!|-| 4| Antônio Gomes e André Pedralho| tonikitoo at e apedralho at| A Guerra dos Browsers agora na palma da sua mão| Uma visão geral dos principais navegadores disponíveis para dispositivos móveis, apresentando as soluções encontradas para sair na frente desta nova Guerra dos Browsers.| Estamos abertos a sugestões!|-| 5| Chris Hofmann| chofmann at mozilla dot com| Mozilla and Innovation: Mobile, Labs, and the road ahead| Chris Hofmann will give an overview of Mozilla's efforts to create the next generation of the Web. He will provide a look at Mozilla's activities in the mobile space, as well as Labs projects that are pushing the Web forward. Last, Hofmann will discuss the innovation taking place in the browser itself and how the community can get involved in these exciting efforts.||-| 6| Nick Nguyen| nick at mozilla dot com| Mozilla Add-ons: Past, Present, and Future| Nick Nguyen will talk about Mozilla Add-ons, past, present, and future. Join him to learn more about the vision and mission for add-ons, the roadmap of features, and demonstrations of the work we're doing so far, including the (AMO) redesign and our new Collections feature. Finally, Nick will go over some interesting facts on the Add-ons ecosystem, and explain how AMO can help developers get the users and reach they they want to make an impact on the world.| |-| 7| Mark Surman| mark at mozillafoundation dot org| Education for an Open Web|How do we deliver on the vision of an open and participatory web? Education is absolutely critical to making this a reality. The Open|Web|Content|Education initiative at the Mozilla Foudantion aims to arm educators with the right content and tools to do this. Surman's talk will focus on this initiative and looks to gather community feedback on how to improve it and get people to take better take advantage of it.| |-|}
= Propostas de ações de divulgação do Firefox no FISL / Proposals for spreading Firefox in FISL =

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