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4 bytes added, 21:19, 21 March 2013
make these a (sub)subheading
Please don't use github pull requests. This again requires us to do more work duplicating the pull request and associated patch in bugzilla
==== Design Principles ====
* if we're extending the standard library, we should extend via inheritance
** we are free to extend and add new methods, but we should support the existing methods when possible
==== Adding a New Mozbase Package ====
A new mozbase package should start with version '0.0'. It should be bumped to a real version when released to pypi
=== Scripts ===
More about these scripts can be found from running `$SCRIPT --help` or by consulting the linked to documentation and source.
=== Adding a New Mozbase Package ===
A new mozbase package should start with version '0.0'. It should be bumped to a real version when released to pypi
=== Tests ===

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