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To automate the creation of navigation pages based on our existing Information Architecture. This will reduce overall maintenance, L10n requirements, and manual work. It will also improve scalabilty, laying the foundation for Kitsune to grow in a structured and maintainable way.


Articles that are newly created or modified will automatically appear on the appropriate landing pages based on the topics, categories, and products assigned to them. If the new IA is wanted, non-en locales will mirror the en-US IA as soon as the articles and tags have been translated. There will be minimal L10n requirements for setting up navigation beyond the main landing page and localizing strings.

Open issues/risks


  • Development cost vs Benefit
  • Abuse of tags - Creating extra navigation topics either accidently or maliciously Addressed
  • How is product picker sourced? Addressed
  • How is topic picker sourced? Addressed
  • Images for topics Addressed
  • Sort order for topics Addressed
  • Sort order for products Addressed
  • Sort order for articles returned Addressed
  • How do we manage exceptions? What do we do when we DON'T want it done automatically. Addressed
  • How do we assign products to all existing articles?
  • Migrating current tags to controlled vocabulary
  • In-Product link articles will always show at the top of lists based on page views - Possibly use combination page views/helpfullness for popularity.
  • We don't currently have access to page views in Kitsune
  • What about non support articles like superstars wanted. Do they need products/ topics.


  • Do we want to show/not show based on product?
  • What about locales that don't have all articles translated? Do we show/not show english? Addressed
  • What about locales that don't want the IA at all? Addressed


Feature overview

  • Every article is assigned a product, topic, and category.
  • Topic pages, Product pages, and article listing pages will be populated automatically based on these tags.
  • Article listing pages have topic navigation based on facets
  • Articles will also contain topic navigation based on facets

Users & use cases

Firefox users browsing for help. Should be able to narrow down the overall pool of support articles by making a series of selections. The experience feels familiar, like navigating through folders, but is actually faceting our support articles.

Users who have come to SUMO from a 3rd party site. They will be able to quickly and accurately navigate to a more appropriate article. SUMO authors will be able to create content quickly and put it in the best location for visibility just by tagging the article correctly.


  • Faceted search backend implementation
  • Tailored Search
  • Ability to create and manage a controlled vocabulary of tags



  • [P1] A user interface to create the controlled vocabulary for tags. This must be kept locked down to prevent abuse.
  • Each Product and Topic created in the interface may need an
    • [P1] image
    • [P1] description
    • [P1] Display order
    • [P1] Display name
  • [P2] A list of available topics per product. Topics can be shared on these lists between products.
  • [P1] Specify a default sort order for all articles - In phase 1, the default sort order will be by Popularity. This calculation will be based on total votes with weighting for helpfulness. This will negate the need for total page views.
  • [P2] A tool to specify a unique sort order for any Product/Topic combination
  • [P2] If you select "Custom" for the sort order you can specify an existing wiki page that the system will use to generate the list of articles.


  • [P1] A unique field for Product, Topic, and Category
  • [P2] You must select a Product before you select a Topic
  • [P2] The list of Topics will be generated based on the list of Topics per product (See Admin section).
  • [P1] These fields will be required. You must select at least one item from each of these groups, but you can select more than one item from both Product and Topic.
  • [P2] A field to assign an image to an article that will be displayed in article listing pages. This is NOT a required field.

L10n Issues

  • Some locales may not want to switch to the new IA now or at any point in the future
  • Some locales do not have all content translated. They may want to only show translated or both translated and english content on the same page.
  • Some users may prefer only translated content and some may prefer mixed content
  • Some dynamic pages may have zero translated content to display
  • Some dynamic pages may have a very small amount of translated content, but quite a bit more english content that may not be exposed.


Main SUMO Page:
  • [P1] Look at all Product tags in the system. Display them in the Product section of the main SUMO page in the order specified in the admin panel.
  • [P1] Look at all Topic tags in the system. Display them in the Topic section of the main SUMO page in the order specified in the admin panel.
You've Selected a Product:
  • [P1] Look at the Product that has been selected. Of all articles assigned to that product, we will generate a list of which topics are also assigned to this content.
  • [P1] List the topics generated in the previous step in the order specified in the Admin panel
You've selected a Topic:
  • [P1] Look at the Topic that has been selected. Of all articles assigned to that product, establish which Products are also tagged to those articles.
  • [P1] Display the list of Products in the order specified in the admin panel
You've selected a Topic and a Product - Article Listing page:
  • [P1] Look at the Product and the Topic selected previously. Generate a list of ariticles that match BOTH of these tags.
  • [P2]Look at our sort order list in the admin panel. If the Topic/Product combination is in the list, we will display the articles in the order specified.
  • [P1] If no exception has been made, we will display this list of articles in the default sort order. In phase 1, the default sort order will be by Popularity. This calculation will be based on total votes with weighting for helpfulness. This will negate the need for total page views. We will base this on 30 days historically.
  • [P1] In the refine and focus section shown in the mockups, we will display a list of all topics that are also assigned to the currently displayed documents.
  • [P1] Do not display the topic that has already been selected in the Refine and Focus section.
You've selected a Topic and a Product and also selected a Refine and Focus topic:
  • [P1] Look at the Product and the Topic selected previously and the Refine and Focus topic. Generate a list of articles that match all of these selections.
  • [P1] In the refine and focus section, display a list of all topics that are also assigned to the articles currently displayed on the page.
  • [P1] Do not display the topic(s) that has already been selected in the Refine and Focus section.
You've selected a Topic and a Product and more than 1 Refine and Focus topic:
  • [P1] Look at the Product and the Topic selected previously and ALL of the Refine and Focus topics. Generate a list of articles that match all of these selections.
  • [P1] In the refine and focus section, display a list of all topics that are also assigned to the articles currently displayed on the page.
  • [P1] Do not display the topic(s) that has already been selected in the Refine and Focus section.



Functional Spec

What contributors should do

Things that will need to be figured out

User experience design

Implementation plan