<graphviz> digraph "flowchart4" { language_select [shape="box", label="Select a language.", style="filled", fillcolor="lightcyan"]; language_select -> languages;
languages [label="Does the selected language have more than one lect?", style="filled", fillcolor="lightyellow"]; languages -> lect_select [label="Yes"]; languages -> lects [label="No"];
lect_select [shape="box", label="Select a lect.", style="filled", fillcolor="lightcyan"]; lect_select -> lects;
lects [label="Does the selected lect have more than one pattern?", style="filled", fillcolor="lightyellow"]; lects -> pattern_select [label="Yes"]; lects -> pattern_description [label="No"];
pattern_select [shape="box", label="Select a pattern.", style="filled", fillcolor="lightcyan"]; pattern_select -> pattern_description;
pattern_description [shape="box", label="Show the pattern description page.", style="filled", fillcolor="lightcyan"]; } </graphviz>
<graphviz border='frame' format='png' caption='Graph for example no. 1'> digraph example1 {Hello->WorldWorld} </graphviz>