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WORK IN PROGRESS; only add things that have Steps to Reproduce and/or are actionable e.g. contact add-on developer or 3rd party software developer

Curated summary: Thunderbird/Support/TB128SupportIssues

2024-07-22 to 2024-07-28 Week 3

2024-07-15 to 2024-07-21 Week 2

2024-07-12 to 2024-07-14 Week 1

(released 1p.m. July 11, 2024)

userChrome.css (relevant tags: unsupporteduserchrome.css, userchrome.css):




Not 128 (carried over from 115)

  • antivirus (often AV software breaks new versions of Thunderbird until the an update is released). Don't use AV from anybody except Microsoft if you are on Windows is my informal recommendation since all 3rd party AV are worse than MS's and break TB for longer in my anecdotal :-) experience
  • MS OAuth & Exchange related issues (relevant tags: msoauth, exchange):'
  • Calendar:
  • Search
  • Printing
  • Miscellaneous:

2012-07-14 Sunday

2012-07-13 Saturday

2012-07-12 Friday

45 Questions:

  1. 1452313:Antidote add-on broken in 128?!?
  2. 1452332: Upgrade then need to enter password everytime for outlook, gmail is fine, how to do? --> probably need to do the OAuth dance :-) or antivirus
  3. Known bug: 1855900 Unifinder lacks ability to show past (all) events - can't see what I did -> 1452382: There is no option in the dropdown menu to see all events contained in the calendar.
  4. 1452470 PopOS: Composition window has unreadable menus because of color scheme <-- Fixed in 128.1