From MozillaWiki
Just throwing out ideas for now. Please fill in your thoughts, we can focus this document down later.
- New codename
- Cuttlefish?
- zamboni
- samson
- Useful DBAL: Object based, smart caching/expiration, smart master/slave, smart escaping
- ...doesn't pull too much data unless you ask for it
- composable queries
- easy pagination, sorting, filtering
- Worth it to separate db access from AMO? Have it use an API/service?
- As close to brainless escaping as possible for data in views
- But be mindful of performance - the current escaping does too much
- Escaping only when things are actually printed is as good as it gets
- But be mindful of performance - the current escaping does too much
- Unit tests that don't run out of memory and can be monitored. Expanded test data.
- ...and that aren't a hassle to write and don't kill you inside. To me, that means powerful introspection and mocking so I can look at the running code at any point in the response cycle.
- Continuous integration with automatic(ish) production deployment (database stuff will be harder...)
- Form validation with or without models.
- Easy ajax or rest. Possible to separate content/data from html markup in a view.
- Transparent unicode support
- Doesn't all of AMO use UTF-8? --wenzel 17:39, 5 October 2009 (UTC)
- Not when we forget to use mb_* strings; anyways, I was including unicode more to make sure we think about it
- Easy debugging/development
- When there's an error, I want a full report of the stack leading up to the error plus the actual line where we have a problem.
- Logging
- Message queue / offline work queue
- Sometimes you want to do things that aren't part of a web request. That should not be impossible.
- See also: gearman, rabbitmq
- Templates should not be so verbose:
- 7 characters, one of them meaningful: <?=$x?>
- 7 characters, one of them meaningful: {{ x }}
- So...maybe verbosity isn't the right metric. The second one still looks incredibly more appealing than the first. (jbalogh)
How are we going to get there?
- Try to replace one major section / block of functionality at a time, incrementally.
- Wholesale rewrites tend toward disaster.
- Make a more poweful API and just build off that?
- Would that fix the broken escaping, testing, querying, & so on?
- Could gradually convert bits of AMO to APIs, build new frontends, then replace the APIs
- Potential framework changes:
- Any framework change will require some substantial planning regarding operating while migrating.
- Could upgrade to cakephp 1.2. I fear the dev team will riot.
- Rabble rabble!
- Could switch to kohana
- Could switch to django