From MozillaWiki
General Info
- endpoint-url
- The full URI for the service including the version string for the API as defined below
- version string
- This revision of the protocol is 1.0 so the version string is "/1.0/"
- JSON Web Key
- JSON Web Signature
- JSON Web Token
Data format
- receipt input
- Input is expected to be in a plaintext JWT format with additional fields as defined by the Web Application Receipt wiki page. Since it is a JWT format, UTF-8 is REQUIRED.
{ typ: "purchase-receipt", product: { url: "", storedata: "5169314356" }, user: { type: "email", value: "" }, iss: "", nbf: 131360185, iat: 131360188, detail: "", verify: "" }
- POST http
- //<endpoint-url>/sign : Takes a receipt in the Receipt format. Returns a BrowserID style certificate chain followed by the signed receipt.
<root key certificate>"~"<ephemeral key certificate>"~"<signed receipt>
- root key certificate
- a JWS encoded JWK that is self-signed
- ephemeral key certificate
- a JWS encoded JWK that is signed by the root key and can be verified with the root key certificate
- signed receipt
- a JWT that is signed by the current ephemeral key certificate
HTTP response codes
- 200 OK
- The request was processed successfully and the server is returning a signed receipt
- 400 Bad Request
- The request itself is malformed or the data supplied with the request is invalid.
- 401 Unauthorized
- The authentication credentials are invalid. At the moment authorization consists of a simple whitelist of IPs. In the future this may be used to indicate a BrowserID or other authentication mechanism has failed or the credentials are not authorized to use the service.
- 409 Conflict
- The nbf, iat, or iss specified in the input are invalid for the root key(in the case of a mismatching iss) or the nbf or iat fields are outside the ephemeral key's window of signing validity.
- 503 Service Unavailable
- Indicates that the server(s) are undergoing maintenance.