From MozillaWiki
< Auto-tools | Meetings
- Achieve and maintain a 5% or less intermittent orange rate for Android automation (talos and tests) to achieve parity with desktop intermittent orange rates.
- Expand and enhance our test and performance automation to anticipate and address needs for Fennec and B2G
- Deploy user responsiveness automation into production
- Full List Here
- Goal 1 (Mobile Stability) - jmaher, wlach, jhammel
- Mozbase
- Goal 2 (Expand Mobile) - jgriffin, mdas, wlach
- Marionette
- Eideticker
- Goal 3 (User Responsiveness) - ahal, ted
- Talos User Responsiveness
- Peptest
- SpecialPowers for all test harnesses - jmaher, ted
- Bugzilla 4.2/Pulse/Rest API - dkl, glob
- Bughunter Deployment - bc, jeads
- Firefox 10 Spidering - bc
- Mozmill E10S Deployment - jhammel, ahal
- Pandaboards OS/Flash automation - ctalbert
- Mozmill 2.0 - henrik