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  • Tuesday 23rd
    • Travel Day
  • Wednesday 24th
    • 10:00 - [Futurama Presentation]: Plans and ideas for the future of Mozilla automation
    • 11:00 - Future of Mozbase, what is left to do, who uses it, development processes, merging to m-c, talos, etc.
    • 13:15 - [Mobile Testing Meeting]
    • 15:00 - Mozbase versioning (proposed, jhammel)
    • 16:00 - [Mozharness Meeting]
  • Thurdsay 25th
  • Friday 26th
    • Community hack day
    • 11:00 - Public meeting on Futurama: come one, come all, and give us your ideas!
    • 14:00 - Trial run for Mobile Test Summit talks (marionette and eideticker)
    • 18:30 - [Team wide dinner]
  • Saturday 27th
    • Community hack day
    • We should find an activity to do
  • Sunday 28th
    • Travel Day

Community Hack Day

This is an opportunity for us to stop working on the same things that we do all day and focus on delivering something as a team. Please add projects which are actionable and doable in a 2 day scope.

Mozbase on Mozilla Central

dust off old patches and get mozbase virtualenv running on cedar for unittests

Mochitest Validator

Analyze unittests for common failures.

There is an existing tool which is used to verify webapps (HTML/JS/CSS files). Maybe we can use some of the logic here and tailor it to detect patterns that cause random oranges.

Datazilla analyzer

Write a tool which will query the new fancy datazilla API and provide pass/fail results to developers.

Documentation Sprint: Automation frameworks

A new effort has been started to make MDN the primary documentation for our automation tools and frameworks (Mochitest, Reftest). The idea is to create a basic landing page for each of our projects. A template has been created, and the first framework has been covered. Let's see if we can make more progress during a hack session! The work is being done in this github repository.

Documentation Sprint: Documenting Mozbase

Comprehensive documentation across mozbase modules would be highly desirable. It looks like sphinx would be a good solution for this task (see wlach's post to

This hackfest would focus on both adding documentation pages for individual mozbase modules (mozprocess, mozrunner, etc.) as well as making sure that the function/class docstrings we're using generate good documentation. Work will be done in the main mozbase repository, more details to come.

MoCo logistics

If you're a MoCo employee, you can see our internal planning page here:

(if you're not a MoCo employee, don't feel left out, there's nothing interesting there)