Auto-tools/Projects/Mozmill/Meeting 2010 10-26
From MozillaWiki
< Auto-tools | Projects | Mozmill
QA Test Automation
- Find a final solution how to merge changes between master and hotfix branches correctly. We are pretty messy with it at the moment.
- Please don't land un-reviewed [changes] even without a meaningful commit message (i.e. bug 607264)
Mozmill 1.5.1
Mozmill 2.0
- The proposed bugs
- bug 607111: mozmill should be made a usable api
- patch uploaded: how do we feel about using a classmethod factory?
- ...or would we rather use a formal factory class?
- ...or is there a better way of doing this
- what about application data? can this all go in one place?
- what about the preferences? do these belong where they are (in MozProfile)?