This is a weekly meetup to discuss all things regarding B2G automation and Quality. Please use wiki style.
- Meeting Name: QA Automation Roundtable
- Meeting Time: Thursday @ 9:30am - 10am PST
- Vidyo Room: QA Vidyo Room
- Video Link: https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=nL4PESn1IaVh
- Dial in: 1-800-707-25331
- Meeting Notes: https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/QA/Meetings
- Previous Meeting:https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/QA/Meetings/Automation/2014-10-02
Previous Action Items
DONE * [Geo] organize a sprint invite for MW and Bebe In Progress: hosted done, packaged app in progress (MW) * [Bebe] have some testcases for installing different types of apps like packaged apps, hosted apps
- testcase repo: https://github.com/mozilla/qa-testcase-data
CARRY OVER * [Peter, Bebe] continue to identify the smoke tests and label the moztrap tests with "automated" tag, and cross post links to where the tests are located. FOLLOW UP: * [Geo] email dave/zac about a better way for jenkins to check for commit hashes from sources.xml CARRY OVER: * [Tony] send out v184 to team, and [Bebe] to have someone try running a local testrun against it
Status Highlights
- QA will be limited availability Dec 1-5 for a company workweek
- 2.1 smoketests will continue to Nov 21st. 2.2 is ongoing
- running 2.1 on the new branch
- status on health of 2.1: see https://mozqa.etherpad.mozilla.org/b2g-qa-roundtable
[Bebe] Work on 2.0 fix failing tests and uplifts are done by Tw team?
This Week - Decisions & Action Items
[Peter] gather all the current sets of smoketests (and those already marked automated), and send out another writeup on the status