B2G/QA/WebAPI Test Plan/On Device

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B2G WebAPI On-Device Test Plan


Lead Geo Mealer (irc: geo)
Contributors TBD


This is a description of the WebAPI testing to be performed on devices running Boot2Gecko/Firefox OS. This plan does not cover Gaia testing, or any other end-to-end experience testing. It only covers tests designed to verify WebAPIs but which require interactive testing to do so.


APIs can be accessed from JavaScript code running in one of four contexts: content, webapp, privileged webapp, and certified webapp. Of the four, content and certified webapps are the most interesting for functional testing.

Content is interesting because it can be tested quickly via the browser rather than loading in a separate app. This makes content-based testing particularly attractive for dogfooders, because it can occur on any build anywhere.

Certified WebApps are interesting because they have access to all APIs without running into permission restrictions; in fact, many APIs can only be accessed by certified WebApps. However, certified apps need to be part of the core Gaia delivery, which requires inserting a test app into local builds at build time.

The on-device test strategy will take advantage of both these contexts, with an abbreviated matrix designed for on-browser testing, and a longer matrix designed for testing within a certified WebApp. Where possible, these methods will share code.

Areas will be added to the matrix opportunistically as the code for them is written or existing exercises are located.

Test Schedule



Note: these are untriaged. Some of these APIs may not be testable in a way that makes sense, and may be removed from the matrix entirely.

Content (Browser)

Area Link to exercise
Smoketests https://github.com/kofway/kofway.github.com
Battery Status TBD
Camera TBD
Contacts TBD
Device Storage TBD
Geolocation TBD
Open WebApps(?) TBD
Network Information TBD
Resource Lock TBD
Screen Orientation http://people.mozilla.com/~gmealer/exercises/orientation/
Sensor TBD
Vibration TBD
Web Activities(?) TBD
WebTelephony TBD

Certified WebApp

Area Link to exercise
Smoketests TBD
Alarm TBD
Attention Screen TBD
Battery Status TBD
Browser TBD
Calendar TBD
Camera TBD
Contacts TBD
Device Storage TBD
FM Radio TBD
Geolocation TBD
Idle TBD
Keyboard/IME TBD
Mobile Connection TBD
MozApp TBD
Network Information TBD
Open WebApps(?) TBD
Peer-to-Peer TBD
Permissions TBD
Power Management TBD
Push Notifications TBD
Resource Lock TBD
Screen Orientation TBD
Sensor TBD
Settings TBD
Spellcheck TBD
Time/Clock TBD
Vibration TBD
Web Activities(?) TBD
WebBluetooth TBD
WebTelephony TBD
Wifi Information TBD

This page is based on the WebAPI Test Plan Template