From MozillaWiki
< Balkans
Meeting details
- Tuesday, March 13th , 2012, 21:00 CET
- channel #balkans
- Proposed agenda
- IRC log meeting
- Presence: Nikola, Ioana, selim, fredy, icecold, mathjazz, pierros, AleksandarS
Discussed topics
1.Balkans Meeting Etherpad
- Identify Balkans Region problems - ETA : March 20th, 2012
- Date 11-13 May, 2012 settled as the doodle result
- Mozilla Employees will be announced ASAP
- pierros will blog about this :D
- proposals :
- Zoo visit
- more hacking / sprints
2. Social profiles
- do we really need them?
- no need to do that for now, we'll take them down -> [Ioana Chiorean] [Nikola Matosović]
3. Online Meeting
- agree on date/timing
- if there will be problems in the future -> propose a change.
4. Standardization
- SOPs for Balkans - meeting notes, structure of pages, reminders
- We will open an etherpad and start planning it -> [Nikola Matosović]
Action Items
- [NEW] Everybody - Identify Balkans Region problems - ETA : March 20th, 2012
- [NEW] pierros - blog post
- [NEW] everybody - volunteers to work on Balkans SOPs?