Breakpad/Status Meetings/2017-05-10

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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 10:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad
Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Operations Updates

  • really good news about why our elasticsearch is sad. that's super exciting. hopefully that pans out. if not, we will buy some big hammers.
  • there's some re-prioritization in ops, so might have more time to migrate socorro.
  • moved houses and had a lot of "fun".
  • symbols stuff is working: logging and all the things are in place. one hiccup with system tests, but whatevs.
  • prototyping on elasticsearch migration. has a call with aws support and will find out if there's a better way to move the data.
    • if we don't have reindex-by-remote, we think it'll take hours. maybe 8-12 hours of total time?
  • talked with aws about replicating s3 buckets. more news on that soon.

Project Updates

Deployment Triage

PR Triage

Major Projects

Deprecation rampage

  • (Adrian) stopped running useless cron jobs on stage and prod, and removed associated code
  • next:
    • middleware is doing nothing now, so will ping Miles to stop deploying the middleware so we can remove all that code
    • clean up postgres or start a new postgres
    • remove other dead code
  • peter will write up bug to dump crashes-by-something table

Processor rewrite

  • (willkg): continued working on the project plan and fleshing out open questions

Upgrading elasticsearch

Symbol Server 2017

Other Business

  • (chartjes) Is the dev team going to start working on the Swagger spec to help QA with API testing?
    • we talked about this
    • parts of the API are staying and parts are going away
    • it's worthwhile to swagger-ize the ones that will stay
    • adrian will write up a list of what we should cover QA-wise
  • (peterbe) we're now sending exceptions in transform rules to Sentry

Travel, etc

  • (peterbe) May 18-19 SyntaxCon
  • lonnen gone for next two weeks. consult the psychic hotline for help when you need it.
  • mbrandt will be flying tomorrow and out friday.
