Bugmasters/Projects/Bugzilla Clean Up
From MozillaWiki
< Bugmasters | Projects
The Bugzilla cleanup project gets old components out of bugzilla and into graveyard. To get rid of a component, use the following checklist.
- Get confirmation from leads that the component will no longer be developed as part of the Mozilla project
- Find out if the project will continue in another venue
- GitHub? Will it be a repository in the Mozilla project there, or a new team?
- Decide how will unresolved bugs be handled?
- Move to other components
- Copy to GitHub or other bug tracker
- Close as incomplete
- Is there a link to any communication about disposition of component (blog post) or new repository
- For Firefox-related components, send [Intent To Close Component] email to dev-planning
- Explain why component is being closed
- Say what is being done to open bugs in component
- Timebox discussion
- Create ticket for moving component to graveyard (under bugzilla.mozilla.org::administration component)
- Resolve or move open bugs
- Let #bteam know you're done with cleanup and they can move the component to graveyard
- See also: BMO documentation on retiring components