Bugzilla:Installation with nginx
Note: these instructions are assuming a base OS : CentOS 6.4 (64bit). A good portion can be automated using puppet or chef.
Installing the fcgi stack
Installing fcgiwrap
See more info here [1].
First install the development packages needed (YMMV).
$ yum install automake fcgi-devel
This worked for me (YMMV):
$ cd /tmp $ [ -d fcgiwrap ] || git clone git://github.com/gnosek/fcgiwrap.git $ cd fcgiwrap $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make $ make install $ cd /tmp $ rm -rf /tmp/fcgiwrap
Installing spawn-fcgi
This will install the process that forks fcgi processes on demand.
$ yum install spawn-fcgi
Since this usually is configured for apache, we need to edit the configuration for supporting nginx instead.
# /etc/sysconfig/spawn-fcgi FCGI_SOCKET=/var/run/fcgiwrap.sock FCGI_PROGRAM=/usr/local/sbin/fcgiwrap FCGI_USER=nginx FCGI_GROUP=nginx FCGI_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-M 0700" OPTIONS="-u $FCGI_USER -g $FCGI_GROUP -s $FCGI_SOCKET -S $FCGI_EXTRA_OPTIONS -F 1 -P /var/run/spawn-fcgi.pid -- $FCGI_PROGRAM"
Please note that this is referencing fcgiwrap.
Installing nginx
This will install the basic webserver.
$ yum install nginx
Here is an example configuration, assuming the code is placed under /opt/nginx/bugzilla.
# /etc/nginx/conf.d/bugzilla.conf server { listen 80; server_name server.example.com; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name server.example.com; keepalive_timeout 70; ssl_session_timeout 10m; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/server.key; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; charset utf-8; root /opt/nginx/bugzilla/; index index.cgi; location ~ ^.*\.cgi$ { fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.sock; fastcgi_index index.cgi; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /opt/nginx/bugzilla/$fastcgi_script_name; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; } }
Installing bugzilla
Getting bugzilla code
Using git clone...
$ mkdir -p /opt/nginx && cd /opt/nginx $ git clone --depth 1 --branch 4.4 https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla.git
Or untaring a specific release archive file.
$ # code is mirrored on github - please visit https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla/releases for other version $ wget https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla/archive/bugzilla-4.4.2.tar.gz
Installing perl modules
These modules are available on my system, and for those that are available, I prefer to install them globally.
yum install -y perl-GD yum install -y perl-Chart yum install -y perl-Template-GD yum install -y perl-GDTextUtil yum install -y perl-GDGraph yum install -y perl-MIME-tools yum install -y perl-libwww-perl yum install -y perl-XML-Twig yum install -y perl-PatchReader yum install -y perl-LDAP yum install -y perl-Authen-SASL yum install -y perl-Net-SMTP-SSL yum install -y perl-SOAP-Lite yum install -y perl-JSON yum install -y perl-JSON-XS yum install -y perl-Test-Taint yum install -y perl-HTML-Parser yum install -y perl-HTML-Scrubber yum install -y perl-Encode-Detect yum install -y perl-Email-Reply yum install -y perl-HTML-Format yum install -y perl-IO-stringy yum install -y perl-Class-DBI-Pg yum install -y perl-Class-DBI-mysql yum install -y perl-DateTime yum install -y perl-DBI yum install -y perl-Email-Send yum install -y perl-Email-MIME yum install -y perl-URI yum install -y perl-List-MoreUtils
Installing modules not available on my system
There were some modules whose versions were not released for my system. For those, I had to installed them under the bugzilla/lib directory using the install-module.pl script.
#!/bin/bash # installs modules whose versions are not available through yum. set -e # required modules /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Date::Format /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Email::MIME /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl List::MoreUtils /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Math::Random::ISAAC # optional modules /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl PatchReader /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl SOAP::Lite /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl XMLRPC::Lite /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl JSON::RPC /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl HTML::FormatText::WithLinks /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl TheSchwartz /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Daemon::Generic /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl File::MimeInfo::Magic /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Daemon::Generic
Finishing up
You would still have to create the database and configure some parameters, but hopefully there is documentation for that already.
$ ./checksetup.pl