Calendar:SMB Event Dialog - Recurrence Dialog

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Enterprise Recurrence Dialog UI Specification

Specification Status
Author Christian Jansen
Last Change --Chris 05:46, 12 January 2007 (PST)
Status Preliminary


This specification covers the UI of the Enterprise Recurrence dialog.


  • Test Case Specification

Detailed Specification

This specification is divided into five sections. Section 1 describes the general aspects of the dialog. Sections 2 - 5 cover focus on recurrence creation.

The Recurrence Dialog

1. -> | Edit Recurrence                             X |
      |                                               |
2. -> | +- Recurrence Pattern ------------------+  |  |
      | |                                          |  |
      | |  Repeat: [ Daily                   \/ ]  |  |
      | |          x Every: [1  ] Day(s)           |  |
      | |          o Every weekday                 |  |
      | +------------------------------------------+  |
      |                                               |
3. -> | +- Range ----------------------------------+  |
      | |  x No end date                           |  |
      | |  0 Create: [5] Event(s)                  |  |
      | |  O Repeat until:  [11.10.2006      \/ ]  |  |
      | +------------------------------------------+  |
      |                                               |
4. -> | Preview                                       |
      |   March 2006     April 2006       May 2006    |
      | M T W T F S S | M T W T F S S | M T W T F S S |
      | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 X 6 7 |
      | 1 2 3 X 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 X 5 6 7 | 1 X 3 4 5 X 7 |
      | 1 X 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 X 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
      | 1 2 3 4 5     | 1 2 3 4 5     | 1 2 3 4       |
5. -> | [ Remove Recurrences ]    [[ OK ]] [ Cancel ] |

1. Dialog

Property State
  • Dialog,
  • Modal,
  • Resizable
Title EN-US: Edit Recurrence
Title GER: Ereignis bearbeiten

2. Recurrence Pattern Group Box

Property State
  • Settings for:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Yearly

recurrence patterns

Title EN-US: Recurrence Pattern
Title GER: Wiederholungstyp

3. Range of Recurrence Group box

Property State
  • According to the selection in 2 appropriate setting

Repeat patterns

Title EN-US: Range of Recurrence
Title GER: Wiederholungszeitraum

"4. Preview"

Property State
  • Allows users to preview settings made in "Recurrence Pattern Group Box" & "Range of Recurrence Group box"
Months displayed initially: 3
Resizing the dialog: Displays additional months

5. "Remove Recurrence" Button

Property State
Displayed: If a recurrence is assigned to an event
Press: Deletes all recurrences of the event.
State: Normal
EN-US: ~Remove Recurrence
Ger: Wiederholungen ~entfernen

Daily Recurrences


1. "Repeat" Drop Down List Box

Property State Comment
  • Depending on Item selected the Range of Recurrens options change
Max. Row Count: 4
Number of Rows Visible: 4
# Daily ; Täglich
# Weekly ; Wöchentlich
# Monthly ; Monatlich
# Yearly ; Jährlich
Item Selected 1
Label: ~Repeat: EN-US
~Wiederholen: e.g. DE

2. Every N Days Option

Property State Comment
  • If selected event repeats every day, two days three days, etc
Selected: Yes, by default
Text Field:
* Default Value: 1
* Min. Value: 1
* Max. Value: 999
* Characters Allowed: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
* Disabled: If 3 is selected
Label: ~Every: [N] Days ; ~Every: [N] Week(s); ~Every: [N] Months; ~Every: [N] Years EN-US
~Alle: [N] Tage(e) ; ~Alle: [N] Woche(n) ; ~Alle: [N] Monat(e) ; ~Alle: [N] Jahr(e) DE

3. Every weekday - RadioButton>

Property State Comment
  • If selected event repeats on working days only
Label: Every ~Weekday EN-US
~Jeden Arbeitstag Needs to be configurable -> (Option?)

4. "No End Date" - RadioButton

Property State Comment
  • If selected event repeats endless
Selected: Yes, by default
Label: No ~end date EN-US
Kein ~Enddatum DE

5. "Create N Events" - Option

Property State Comment
  • Defines the number of recurrences
Selected: No, by default
Text Field:
* Default Value: 1
* Min. Value: 1
* Max. Value: TBD
* Characters Allowed: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
* Disabled: If 4 or 6 is selected
Max. Number needs
to be defined,
Google, WCAP, etc
Labels: ~Create: Events(s) EN-US
~Ended nach: Ereignissen DE

6. "Repeat Until" - Option

Property State Comment
* Defines the date until event repeats.
Selected: No, by default
DatePicker List Box:
* Disabled: If 4or 5 is selected
Label: Repeat ~until: EN-US
Wiederholen ~bis: DE

Weekly Recurrences


1. "On:" - Buttons

Property State Comment
Displayed: When "weekly" is selected
* Repeats the event on selected week days
* Multiselection possible
* Mon ; Mon
* Tue ; Die
* Wed ; Mit
* Thu ; Don
* Fri ; Fre
* Sat ; Sam
* Sun ; Son
Other: Button order needs to reflect settings made in:
Tools -> Options -> Lightning -> Views -> 
"Start the week on:"
Label: ~On: EN-US
~Am: e.g. DE

Monthly Recurrences


1. "Week Day" Option

Property State Comment
Enabled: If 1 is selected
Items (Drop Down #1):
# First ; Ersten
# Second ; Zweiten
# Third ; Dritten
# Fourth ; Vierten
# Last ; Letzten
Item Selected (Drop Down #1): 1
Items (Drop Down #2):
# Monday ; Montag
# Tuesday ; Dienstag
# Wednesday ; Mittwoch
# Thursday ; Donnerstag
# Friday ; Freitag
# Saturday ; Samstag
# Sunday ; Sonntag
Item Selected (Drop Down #2): 1
Other: Drop Down list #2 has to reflect order set in Tools -> Options -> Lightning -> Views -> "Start the week on:"
Label: ~The: EN-US
~Jeden: e.g. DE

2. "Recur on day(s)" Option

Property State Comment
Enabled: If 2 is selected
* 1 to 31
* Each Button represents 1 day
Label: Repeat on ~days: EN-US
Wiederholen ~an den Tagen: e.g. DE

Yearly Recurrences


1. Every "N"th Day in Month - Option

Property State Comment
  • Defines the day and month in a yearly recurrence
Selected: Yes, by default
Text Field:
* Default Value: 1
* Min. Value: 1
* Max. Value: 31
* Characters Allowed: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
* Disabled: If 2 is selected
Items (Drop Down):
# January ; Januar
# February ; Februar
# March ; März
# April ; April
# May ; Mai
# June ; July
# October ; Oktober
# November ; November
# December ; December
Item Selected (Drop Down): 1
Label: Ever~y: EN-US
~Jeden: DE

2. "Week Day" Option

Property State Comment
Enabled: If 2 is selected
Items (Drop Down #1):
# First ; Ersten
# Second ; Zweiten
# Third ; Dritten
# Fourth ; Vierten
# Last ; Letzten
Item Selected (Drop Down #1): 1
Items (Drop Down #2):
# Monday ; Montag
# Tuesday ; Dienstag
# Wednesday ; Mittwoch
# Thursday ; Donnerstag
# Friday ; Freitag
# Saturday ; Samstag
# Sunday ; Sonntag
Item Selected (Drop Down #3): 1
Items (Drop Down):
# January ; Januar
# February ; Februar
# March ; März
# April ; April
# May ; Mai
# June ; July
# October ; Oktober
# November ; November
# December ; December
Item Selected (Drop Down): 1
Other: Drop Down list #2 has to reflect order set in Tools -> Options -> Lightning -> Views -> "Start the week on:"
  • ~The:
  • ~of:
  • ~Am:
  • ~im: