Calendar:SMB Event Dialog - Reminder Dialog

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Custom Reminder-Dialog

Property State
State: Modal
Closable: Yes
Resizeable: No
EN-US: Custom Reminder
Ger: Erinnerung Anpassen

1. "Reminder" List Box

Property State
Max. Visible Rows: 8
Item Pre-selcted "15 minutes before the event starts", "15 Minutes vor Ereignisbeginn"
15 minutes before the event starts,
15 Minutes vor Ereignisbeginn
  • Newest item added has to be selected.
  • No Multi Selection.
  • The default name of a custom reminder is the string combination of 4, 5, 6, 7.

2. "Reminder" Label

Property State
EN-US: Reminder
Ger: Erinnern

3. Radio Button

Property State
Selected: Yes, by default
Deselected: If 8 is selected
Deactivates: If selected deactivate: 9, 10

4. "Value" Text Field

Property State
Enabled: Yes, if 3 is selected
Initial String: 15
Char. Allowed: 0-9

5. "Unit" Drop Down List Box

Property State
Enabled: Yes, if 3 is selected
Row Count: 5
minutes, Minuten
hours, Stunden,
days, Tage
weeks, Wochen
months, Monate
Item Selected: minutes

6. "before/after" Drop Down List Box

Property State
Enabled: Yes, if 3 is selected
Row Count: 2
before, vor (default)
after, nach
Item Selected: minutes

7. "Start/end" Drop Down List Box

Property State
Enabled: Yes, if 3 is selected
Row Count: 2
the event starts, Ereignis Beginn (default)
the event ends, Ereignis Ende
Item Selected: minutes

8. Radio Button

Property State
Selected: No, by default
Deselected: If 3 is selected
Deactivates: If selected deactivate: 4, 5, 6, 7

9. Date Picker

Property State
Enabled: No, by default. Enable if 8 is selected.

10. Time Picker

Property State
Enabled: No, by default. Enable if 8 is selected.

11. Separator

Property State
EN-US: When Reminder Becomes Due
Ger: Wenn Erinnerung f?llig wird

12. "Show an reminder" Checkbox

Property State
Enabled: Yes
Checked: Yes
EN-US: ~Show the reminder
Ger: ~Erinnerung anzeigen

13. "Show a reminder" Checkbox

Property State
Enabled: Yes
Checked: Yes
EN-US: Play a ~sound
Ger: ~Klang abspielen

14. "Sound" Drop Down List Box

Property State
Enabled: Yes, if 13 is selected
Row Count: 10
Sound 1
Sound 2
Sound 3    

Custom opens the New Reminder Sound Dialog.

  • The new reminder sound has to be added to 14 as last entry above the separator.
  • The new reminder sound name displayed in list is equavalent to the file name, but with no extension.
  • The new reminder sound is selected when added to the list.
Item Selected: TBD

15. "Show a reminder" Checkbox

Property State
Enabled: Yes
Checked:  ; Case 1 :

Yes, if WCAP conector is active

Case 2 

No, with standard configuration

EN-US: Send an ~E-mail
Ger: ~E-Mail verschicken

16. "OK" Button

Property State
Enabled: Yes
State: Default
Ger: OK

17. "Cancel" Button

Property State
Enabled: Yes
State: Normal
EN-US: Cancel
Ger: Abbrechen

18. "New" Button

Property State
Enabled: Yes
State: Normal
EN-US: ~New
Ger: ~Neu
  • New adds an item to 1.
  • The added item has to selcted.
  • The added item has the values of the previous item.

18. "Delete" Button

Property State
Enabled: Yes
Disabled: If 1 contains no item.
State: Normal
EN-US: ~Delete
Ger: ~L?schen
  • Delete deletes a selected item in 1.

19. "Rename..." Button

Property State
Enabled: Yes
Disabled: If 1 contains no item.
State: Normal
EN-US: ~Rename...
Ger: ~Umbennen...