From MozillaWiki
- IRC channel: #chronicle
- Mailing list: chronicle-dev
- Source Github
Separating out Chronicle and Reading List stuff...Reading List project will live here: CloudServices/Reading List
What is it?
Making it easier to find a site, recipe, or article that you saw before. "Never lose site again". What if we pulled together Reading List + History + Bookmarks + Social Links and presented them in a powerful way accessible from any screen?
Problem we're solving
(DRAFT - edwong wrote these)
- M1: History is a long list of duplicate urls that are hard to search. Let's make this better and accessible on all my devices.
- M2: I have a bookmark or article I want to read later but I'm on an iPhone.
- M3: I want read popular articles from multiple social streams in one place (possibly seamlessly inline[task continuity]).
- M1: I'd like to share links with my contacts, possibly in real time.
- M2: I want my awesome bar to be smarter about sites I might like, look pretty, and possibly suggest things.
Chronicle (Target Fall 2015)
- M1: Make history more awesome (look and feel, search)
- M2: Integrate Reading List, History, Bookmarks
- M3: Integrate Social
2.0 Take chronicle learnings and put them in the awesome bar.
Project Domains
- Cloud Services Product Manager: Bill Maggs
- Desktop Product Manager: Bryan Clark
- Mobile Product Manager: Deb Richardson
- Tech Lead/Product Owner: Nick Chapman
- Technical Project Manager: Edwin Wong
- UX/Research Lead: John Gruen
- Dev: Jared Hirsch, Sean MacArthur
- QA/Infrastructure Lead: Peter DeHaan