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< CloudServices | Meetings
Weave 0.2 Blockers
- Revised first setup wizard is now working with user experience polish to be completed within the next 24-48 hours. maria to land shortly.
- Shift to NSS nears completion with dolske finishing up the the bits requires to wire up the JS front-end to the new components. Plan is to land on trunk as soon as possible so as to get wider test coverage.
- XMPP client and server is now working and jono expects to complete that component today.
- Bookmark sharing is working and should land later today with complete test coverage to follow by jono and atul.
- anant has implemented an API for password changing and recovery. myk is working on adding password changing UI.
- cbeard has staged release notes at and has asked all developers to add contents, especially known issues and workarounds.
- Planning on meeting again tomorrow afternoon to see where we're at. (Details to follow.)
- All server components required for 0.2 are now complete.
- Work has started on fully documenting the server-side and in building a set of testing tools.
- cbeard is working with IT on a new process for deploying "beta" releases.
- cbeard is working with the legal team to develop a EULA, terms of service and privacy policy for Weave 0.2.