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< CloudServices | Meetings
- Review action items from last week.
- Make the dev servers available without VPN [zandr]
- WEP-100 blog post [Dan]
- stunnel load tests [zandr]
- unit test framework [mconnor]
- Need performance benchmarks so we can measure progress we are making
- WEP under discussion (102, 105)
- 0.6 status
- Server items? [telliott]
- Ideas for MoFo/NMM/Weave campaigns, blog posts?
- Bug triage [All]
- temporarily disabling captchas
- 0.5->0.6 user migration
- Dev servers are now available without VPN. yay.
- WEP-100 is not going to be a part of 0.6, so we'll punt on this for now. However, we do want to do this for 1.0, so we'll revisit after 0.6.
- stunnel in daemon mode isn't really helping either. So, we'll probably just go the zeus route used by IT for all of our other web properties.
- MConnor has been working on the unit test coverage stuff, but is on the back burner so he can work on his 0.6 blockers. Thinking about setting up an end-to-end test that acts as both functional as well as unit test framework.
- We decided to not pursue 105 for 0.6. If needed, we'll look at it after 0.6.
- We cannot disable captchas, those spambots will make us pay. Also, since they won't be needed on fennec, we will keep them, but need to make them pretty.
- User migration (server: 0.3->0.5) is pretty tricky. Toby is going to write down the plan and send it around.