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  • Scribe: Tom
  • Chair: Dennis

UA change on Firefox iOS (Honza)

Based on discussion in Slack, this change seems to be OK? (matching Safari UA) - we're not against it, and are not aware of any serious concerns

Collecting Preferences with User Reports (Honza)

[Bug 1833916]( - Add additional data/prefs passed from "Report site issue" to Honza: there is a "changed prefs" section in about:support. should we collect that? James: we need to be careful not to get fingerprinting data, as there are many prefs with general/potentially sensitive data we're not interested in anyway. we'll probably be asked by the data team to just read the prefs we're most interested in anyway.

  • Would that make sense to collect also prefs the user has changed?
  • about:support#modified-key-prefs

Site Popularity (Honza)

Some existing spreadsheets:

What are the requirements for this tool?


  • Do we want to run this per origin?
  • Do we want to have caching in place?

Dennis: we are probably best off using bigquery-etl to create a table of our own from the CRuX data, as queries are billed by the size of the data we query, so querying for each site as we add to our database and adding site rank to them will likely not be feasible. The data team is willing to help there. We will talk more about this on our dedicated meeting on Thursday.