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- Mobile Web Compatibility Meeting - 2014-04-01
- Minutes: Previous 2014-03-25
Topic: next meeting
Next meeting: The next meetings will be on April 8 see (mike)
Congratulations to Alexa and Mike who did most of the work: development version
- feedback phase? How do we organize the feedback?
- Production date?
- Next milestone: A summary of the issues to solve?
- karl: Congrats for the launch.
- alexa: We have been getting some feedback already. Concerns about github for reporting. I would like to work on that. That's the primary thing. What will happen when we click on that button. Action items are below the fold. It's a comment I got it a few times. We need to fix the information hierarchy. I started working with that.
- karl: You could imagine that people coming for the first time need to see the banner above the fold. People coming back might be used to the site and don't want to see the big banner at the top. Maybe we could detect that (cookie, etc), and show the other information.
- alexa: yes it fits the comment about seeing what you need when you are coming back.
- mike: I need to work on more content on the site. I need help from Karl and Adam about the content. Explaining what the site is about.
- karl: I was thinking that maybe it would be good to have a template, a small HOWTO, e.g., how to do analysis to figure out serverside sniffing, etc. These small tips would be useful in the flow of working through things. I'm afraid we'll turn into the wiki.
- mike: We need currently the high level of details. Currently the text doesn't say how people can help. There should be a first very simple help on the content.
- adam: We need to have something a bit more consistent.
- mike: It's a start. There's an issue for the about #33
- Alexa: How do we get people back?
- Mike: Redirecting is a very temporary thing. Ideally we can show stuff on our site.
- Alexa: It is possible to open in a new tab.
- Mike: yes
- Karl: Maybe it will be helpful to sit next to someone and have them go through
- Mike: in 2 weeks?
- Alexa: yes fine.
- Mike: Let's launch a beta 2 version on April 15, 2014. If anybody want to get involved. Please come.
Country top-site testing (Hallvord)
Progress, process and status update - just FYI
- Hallvord: (back in Norway) An update on the progress here. I made improved lists for India, China, Mexico and Bangladesh. I've done screenshots of those lists and asked people to review them. We got some contacts in China when we were over there. For Bangladesh I've been in contact with the Reps, and they've been really active and helpful. I've also had some feedback from the Mexico group on the list. Bulgaria is probably the next list. Ours lists for Bulgaria and Colombia could probably do with some refreshing.
- Karl: How hard is it to change the user agent for testing (the screenshots)
- Hallvord: Not hard. The script is currently written to compare 2, would need some rewriting for more than that.
- Karl: The team in Japan asked me how many websites were working with the Tizen user agent. We noticed a few sites working, even though it's not released.
- Hallvord: Which alternative user agent would be interesting to compare against Tizen?
- Karl: iPhone.
Student volunteer update (Adam)
- Adam: Lawrence has been helping me work with HR and Legal. Everything came back positive, we've reached out to the student's school. Any student in high school in Ontario has to complete a certain number of community service hours. This student was looking to work with us. The school has approved. I'm going to meet with him this week and get him started. Possibly on the older bugs, screenshots stuff. If there's anything you want me to ask him to focus on, I'd be interested to know.
- Karl: 1 student?
- Adam: Our thought was to start with one and see how it goes. If goes well, we can reach out to more. Also he's fluent in Hungarian.
- Hallvord: I think it would be interesting to get this student to do some manual testing as well. Perhaps global sites, or Hungarian sites.
- Adam: If you can provide me a list, I can walk him through the process.
Hack projects board / Feb 2014 / Work Week Meeting (karl)
This is the list of Possible projects left on the board of Web Compatibility Work week in February 2014.
- Are there things which are missing?
- Are there people who have started something on these topics?
Projects list
- [DONE] Mozilla China coordination trip | karl, hallvord
- [DONE] UA use cases report | karl
- [DONE] Are we detectable yet? | mike
- [ONGOING] | alexa, mike (a bit of karl, haseeb, adam)
- [ONGOING] UA override report (almost done)| karl
- [ONGOING] Community Web Opener job description | lmandel
- [ONGOING] open badge creation | astevenson
- [ONGOING] CSS fixme greasemonkey script (addon?) | hallvord
- [TODO] (need designs and refactoring)
- [TODO] new contributor guide (Hallvord volunteers to do something)
- [TODO] WhatCanIDoForMozilla Web compat flow creation and submission
- [TODO] Bugzilla interface improvements (form, separate entry point)
- [TODO] contributor geo map
- [TODO] Bugzilla process description
- [TODO] event guide
- [TODO] Twitter volunteer list
- [TODO] automated test framework improvements
- [TODO] Web Compatibility slidesets | karl?
- [TODO] Tech Evangelism Desktop cleanup/organization | volunteer?
Topic: Broken Voices of the Web
Check the Planet Web Compatibility for the community news. Here a few posts lately published.
- 2014-03-24 - Site Compatibility for Firefox 28
- 2014-03-24 - Web Compatibility in China
- 2014-03-31 - User Agent Detection Use Cases
Topic: Web Compatibility Progress
- - videos too large for the screen in Firefox on Android 2014-03-23 FIXED
- — HTML5 Video not working in Firefox 2014-03-23
- rapid repainting, links don't work 2014-03-24
- videos on are wider than the screen in Firefox on Android 2014-03-25
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS 2014-03-27
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS and Firefox on Android 2014-03-27
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS 2014-03-29
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS 2014-03-29
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS 2014-03-29
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS 2014-03-29
- sends desktop site to Firefox OS 2014-03-29
Tracked Actions
(move the DONE action items below and add the string DONE and possibly link to the record)
- TODO-20130805-02: hallvord to test in bulk if Web sites are still working with a device information into the UA string Firefox OS. (Bug 901039)
- TODO-20140401-01: miketaylr to file an issue about for messaging/information flow. GET IT AT FIRST SIGHT.