From MozillaWiki
- callahad
- sole
- havi
Standing Agenda Items
Weekly Team Update from Jason
- (Jason's offline this week)
Nonverbal Updates
- (offline) Jason is at an offsite w/ Andreas
- This week: 2 talks + 2 panels at dev.Objective in Bloomington, MN.
- 1) Perf Tools and Valence, 2) Rust, 3) (panelist) future of CFML, 4) (panelist) feedback for conference organizers
- Rust talk from PyCon up to ~8k views, getting another round of buzz on Reddit at
- Last Week OpenWest! 3 Talks + TA'd a workshop
- Rust talk: Extremely well received.
- "Great talk, completely demystified the memory management angle."
- "Content was perfectly scoped for the time available [...] Live demo of speed performance and FFI use in Python was excellent."
- "This was by far one of my favorite talks of the entire conference. Dan has a unique ability to distill a potentially complex topic into a very clear and concise explanation. [...] Great, great, great talk!"
- Web Components: Well received, but I'm personally getting a bit skeptical of the promise of Web Components and the health of the specs.
- "Great balance of information and live coding!"
- "Dan took the "teeth" out of web components for me with this talk, turning it from something confusing and intimidating into something understandable and exciting. Thanks so much for a clear, insightful talk!"
- FxOS Talk: Not well attended (~7-8 people), limited discussion. Sole's catserver demo was, however, delightful.
- (sole) Internet is for cats. We should make Firefox OS for cats too. Firefox OS cat edition.
- FxOS Workshop: About a dozen people, attendees were generally extremely interested in the potential of using JS to hack on IoT hardware.
- AJ (workshop leader) was extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic. He's built real things for FxOS and it showed. The workshop could have benefited from stronger up-front organization / pacing, but I believe it was still a complete success for almost all attendees.
- Rust talk: Extremely well received.
- Lessons learned from OpenWest:
- People haven't used our tools in a while, and are impressed when they see them.
- Valence is worth its weight in gold when talking to front-end developers.
- ...but the shortcomings of our Responsive Design View are a blocker for people coming from Chrome.
- WebSocket debugging is important to a surprising number of folks.
- WebVR reliably blows minds.
- Fun Tweet from OpenWest: "I'm literally downloading Firefox dev edition right now" followed by a "me too!"
- This was after a small demo of Valence and the perf tools to folks in the hotel lobby
- (offline) Dietrich is in Asia next two weeks.
- Pauses to applaud callahad!
- Mozilla Tech Speakers program midpoint (going into Week 4 of 6)
- seeking incoming feedback from pilots
- pilots have chosen their topics
- several are actively out and about now: e.g., Flaki at jsconf Budapest, writing post about Rust; Kaustav en route to Singapore to teach FxOS; Michaela planning MozCoffee in TOR.
- Hacks blog: Check out the ES6 in Depth series:
- (offline)
- Not sure if impressed or scared at callahad's week O_O WOAH
- made a drum machine as a new 'toy' for the JSConf.Budapest talk which is a new version of the EmpireJS talk here:
- also a number of other modules, lots of modules!
- joined biweekly SW meeting, expressed the urgent need to be able to debug Workers
- I also answered a Stack Overflow question. I got 15+ points! PARTYYY!!!
- Add Hacks ideas to
- Review the CFP calendar
Other Topics
What specifically does MoCo, more broadly, want us to be evangelizing?
Deferred to next week.
We want to be able to make demos that align more directly with where the rest of the marketing organization is going to be pushing.
Q & A
callahad: sole, did you build your own image for the Nexus 4, or do are there ROMs somewhere?
sole: Mozilla Taiwan has a series of tools that can access the pvtbuild server which has prebuilt system images
callahad: with Dietrich out of the office, do we have an interim way to send Flames?
havi: I can possibly find ~15 in MV.
We had a catharsis triggered by Havi's phone ringtone.
Anything Else?
- Flaki working on a Rust post for Hacks, callahad to review
- WebComponents Hacks post: Sole will review, callahad to also review