From MozillaWiki
The Local Event Kit is being created to aid local organizers in conceptualizing and planning their events.
The kit is being evolved and improved now, and we welcome organizers and other interested parties to tell us what it should include and what they need to support local organizing efforts.
We're tracking things that are not yet done on the Event Kit Punch List
The kit is being designed to include:
- Organizer Road Map: The Road Map lays out key milestones in organizing a Drumbeat Local event on a theoretical calendar. It starts with an overview of what Drumbeat is and what's involved in organizing a Drumbeat Local event, along with an inventory of what's in the kit that explains the purpose of each component. Milestones include venue identification, date selection, event announcement, call for participants and sessions, pre-event engagement, the event, and post-event follow-up.
- Sample Agendas and Sample Sessions: While the agenda format and sessions will be shaped by local organizers and participants, sample one-day agendas, session materials, agenda guidelines for participants and sample session topics and formats will be provided to give agenda planning a lift
- Facilitation Guidelines: In parallel with the sample agendas, these guidelines for how to run the actual event will provide organizers with ideas on how to make the event participatory and tactile.
- Promotion and Outreach How-To's: Sample copy for announcing the event and doing outreach will be provided, along with helpful hints for how to promote the event and get media coverage.
- Logistical Resources: All the nuts and bolts considerations and details to address to host the most excellent Drumbeat events.
- Event Documentation Guidelines: How to help grow Drumbeat through great documentation of event proceedings, with step-by-step instructions on how to document and share the results of local events back out to the larger Drumbeat Community.
- Drumbeat Project Instructions: Complete details on how to propose a new Drumbeat project, or join an existing one.
- Post-Event Collaboration Ideas: In order for Drumbeat to truly scale, local events will need to sustain energy and interest after the event date. A list of ideas for post-event collaboration will aid organizers in keeping the momentum going.