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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Monday, 10am PST, conf bridge 359
- irc.mozilla.org #elmo for back-channel
Previous Action Items
- Stephen will talk to rbillings on how early we could do our weekly pushes
- stas to talk to chowse about the wireframes (update as per comments, new data1.1)
stas: set up a meeting git flow hotfix[1] - stas: ask IT how we store the fact that someone is a web localizer (see bug 653668)
Meeting Notes
- Attendees: laura, peterbe, pike, stas
- Pike didn't get to update -dev (let alon -stage) because of stas's changes to virtualenv and vendor-local
- We should get rigorous about deploying to -dev after every push to origin/develop.
- Peter: Are we going to set up a triage meeting?
- Yes, let's have one.
- Boxes
- We have the boxes
- We don't have access to them
- It would be good to have access for logs.
- The boxes are allocated, but don't have anything installed on them
- How do we do hg repos and the buildlogs?
- shared storage
- Network view
- Pike put together a prototype of a cross-repo network graph for hg.mozilla.org.
- probably not high on the priorities list right now.
Action Items
- action items from the week before:
- Stephen will talk to rbillings on how early we could do our weekly pushes
- stas to talk to chowse about the wireframes (update as per comments, new data1.1)
- stas: ask IT how we store the fact that someone is a web localizer (see bug 653668)
Stas: clean up -dev and -stage! -
Stas: set up a triage meeting weekly. -
Laura: investigate shared storage options for hg repos and buildlogs -
Laura: ask for access to the boxes in the bug - Pike: liberate the source of the network graph.