From MozillaWiki
Sample using the new API and win32
This is a small test application using the win32 API and the new embedding API to implement a very rudimentary browser. You will need XULRunner headers and libraries to do this. You can build them on your own, or use XULRunner's SDK (see bottom of page)
- A build of xulrunner or firefox. A debug build is recommended during development. More on building xulrunner can be found here. This is a sample mozconfig
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser,xulrunner ac_add_options --enable-application=browser ac_add_options --enable-debug ac_add_options --disable-optimize ac_add_options --enable-tests ac_add_options --disable-installer ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter ac_add_options --disable-javaxpcom ac_add_options --disable-printing ac_add_options --disable-embedding-tests mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@topsrcdir@/../objdir mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS=-j4
- Get the code
- Set the environment variable GRE_HOME to point to your build's dist/bin folder
There are VisualC++ solutions for both 2005 and 2008. They are found under mozembed/win32:
- win32_test.sln for VC2005
- win32_test_2008.sln for VC2008
You need to have GRE_HOME in your path. As this might conflict with an existing firefox install, you may want to set this up in the VC debug properties. You can add a line like this under Environment:
Using XULRunner SDK
As an alternative to building XULRunner on your own, you can use the XULRunner SDK:
- Get it from xulrunner sdk.
- Set GRE_HOME to point to the xulrunner-sdk/bin folder.
- Note: The xulrunner sdk is using a patched win32 CRT (for jemalloc). This requires that you change the project settings to use the statically linked CRT (under "C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library" and choose a non DLL library: /MT or /MTd)
- If you get a compilation error about inability to find header files (such as "prtypes.h"), it means that you set the GRE_HOME variable after you loaded the solution. Environmental variables are loaded when each process starts, so exit Visual Studio (devenv.exe), make sure devenv.exe is unloaded, re-open the solution and try to rebuild.