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  • [glob] - Bugzilla now has proper error reporting using arecibo (that [glob] and [dkl] can see). This should mean a more robust and reliable bugzilla in the future.
  • [mdas] - Marionette now imports Selenium atoms, resulting in a richer vocabulary for writing browser based tests
  • [davehunt] - New version of Selenium RC released



  • [glob] enabled arecibo error reporting (finally!)
  • [glob] fixed a lot of warnings which arecibo now makes visible
  • [glob] resolved duplicate loops
  • [glob] more work on fixing how bugzilla encodes emails
  • [glob] added ability to filter emails when product or component changes
  • [dkl] Upstream review/patches to ready for maintenance release
  • [dkl] / [glob] BrowserID updates


  • [wlach] Added frame rate / unique frame metrics to Eideticker
  • [wlach] Yet more work on robustness
  • [wlach] Working on various new tests

Signal From Noise

  • [jmaher] Work on making talos send raw results to graph server


  • [jhammel] - Various minor fixes

Mobile Automation


  • [jgriffin] - continued work on getting mochitest-plain running in B2G (somewhat stymied by build problems)
  • [mdas] - Started on performance tests for B2G


  • Got Windows builds working with VS 2010
  • Got Mac OS X 10.7 builds working
  • Investigating hung build process on Windows with new Cygwin 1.7.13 update. Testing possible fix.
  • No progress on new valgrind/windows vms. Plan is to complete Monday 4/9.


  • [jeads] Various work aimed at making it easier to drill down into individual datapoints to get revision information, etc.
  • [jeads] Continued work on front end UI (data views, etc.)

Build System

  • [ted] WinRTC windows build work (fix breakage after adding new code from Cisco which caused our linker to go out of memory again)
  • [jgriffin] A bunch of tweaks to the jenkins build system for B2G

autophone/Noah's Ark

  • [mcote] better error handling in autophone: if an action on a phone (like uninstall) hangs, we'll reboot the phone. we also check for errors on stderr, and reboot the phone in that case too. phone is disabled and peoples are notified (via email) if this happens twice in a row.


  • [jhammel] - still working on getting the jetperf script into the mozharness repo. Fixed several blocking bugs there but still in progress


  • [jgriffin] - Better connection error handling for Pulse


Upcoming Events

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Round Table
