From MozillaWiki
< Evangelism | StatusMeetings
Firefox 3.5
- Undergoing last-minute polish, we need to watch this for doc and evangelism needs.
- Are we in a good place to evangelize our perf gains?
- localStorage
- Debate over whether to use SQLite or some other API is ongoing
- Some folks feel that an SQL API isn't a good idea because it's not standardized
- We're just not sure what we're going to do here
- Gut feeling: this probably won't make it in, even though the goal is for it to make it
- Two camps:
- New API for local storage
- Create a standardized SQLite derived API
- WebKit actually already ships with SQLite
- Looking at using Browser-couch for data storage locally.
- Planning is underway.
- What would we like to see done to further the open web?
- Let's make sure we're in a position to do a great job not only evangelizing the project but to help guide support for standards and to make the product better
- Questions
- How will process separation per tab affect developers, if this goes in?
Developer Items and Standards
- Current items: Developer Feedback
- Anything for the Roadmap: Developer Roadmap
- Starting to go through the recently-added items that need to be addressed for Firefox 3.5, and watching as localStorage starts coming together so that can be documented as well if/when it lands.
- Working on infrastructure stuff, including the Deki upgrade and some new templates and content reorganization.
- Mozilla Messaging now has someone leading their documentation project for Thunderbird -- Jennifer Zickerman.
XUL + XULRunner
Communications and PR
Global Community Development
- Communication with KhmerOS team regarding possible new Khmer localization uplift to Firefox
- Supporting add-ons event in Indonesia on April 24th