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Essa página é dedicada à tradução do guia campus reps para pt-br. Para ajudar, basta editar essa página com a tradução feita.

Campus Reps Guide

We appreciate your taking the time to become a Mozilla Campus Rep. We're excited about spreading Firefox and we know you are, too. Some of our most memorable marketing campaigns have been really creative ideas carried out by a small group of people. However, you don't need a crop circle to tell people how awesome Firefox is. We've taken some of your ideas that we think will be effective no matter where you go to school and put them together in this guide.

To help you get started we've outlined what we think you'll need to pull these ideas off, but left lots of room for you to add your own spin! So try taking on some of these projects:

  1. Create a Firefox club
  2. Promote Firefox at campus fairs and festivals
  3. Convert a college dorm to Firefox
  4. Get a Firefox story published
  5. Get Firefox installed on campus
  6. Set up a Firefox help desk

Create a Firefox club Get Organized

  1. Find some co-founders
         * Having other people start the club with you hopefully means they'll be as invested in its success as you are
         * Starting the club with more than one member means you can start having regular meetings right away
         * People are more likely to join a club that already has members and regular meetings
  2. Determine roles and/or positions
         * Identify leaders and give them specific responsibilities

Choose a mission

  1. Come up with a charter or mission statement
   * If you clearly define the purpose of the club it'll be easier for people to decide they're interested and want to join.
  2. Define goals for the club. eg:
   * Plan and carry out SFX projects
   * Raise awareness of Firefox on campus
   * Use Firefox as an excuse to socialize!

Have regular meetings

   * How often you have meetings is less important than having them
   * Having them at predictable intervals (eg every Thursday, every 15th of the month, every other Saturday) means people don't have to watch your calendar or track you down if they want to come out
   * Keep having them even if only 2 people come out regularly for the first while, you never know which meeting someone will finally come to

Get the word out

  1. People can't come out if they don't know about you.
         * Word of mouth is a great way to advertise, friends are more likely to turn up to support you, and are more likely to share your interests
         * Posting notices around campus is a good way to attract people you don't know who'd be interested in coming out
         * People who love Firefox use the internet, take advantage of social sites to let people know about your club
               o Facebook
               o Upcoming
               o etc
  2. Make sure the time and location are clearly marked wherever you advertise

Plan for the future

  1. Establish future leaders
         * Hold elections at the end of the year to fill (co)chair positions and any other roles/positions.
  2. Create a plan for recruiting new members at the beginning of the year
         * Attend orientation/welcome week events for freshman/first year students
         * Establish relationships with technology clubs and computer science departments

Promote Firefox at Campus Fairs & Festivals Choose an Event

   * Pick a good time of year and find out what events are coming up.
         o There will be several events throughout the year that will be good choices for promoting Firefox
   * Create a short list of events you want to participate in.
         o If you can't get into your first choice, have a few backups.
         o You can always do more than one!
   * Be prepared and remember the deadlines
         o Get your application in on time.
         o Take care of any deposits for your booth.
         o Sign people up to help.

Plan for your Booth

   * Booth or Table?
         o Decide which will be best based on cost, type of event, etc.
         o If you need support, have a fundraiser and find volunteers
   * Choose your Location
         o Be sure to find a place with lots of foot traffic
         o Make sure your signage will be visible
         o Try to coordinate your location close to similar booths
   * Work with Others
         o Consider getting a booth with other open source organizations (eg Linux clubs) or other common interest groups (eg accessibility).
         o Work together to make a bigger impact

Prepare your Messaging

   * Talk about Firefox and the features you feel are most important to them
         o Firefox has so many great features and reasons why people make the switch.
         o Trying to tell people about all of them can be overwhelming.
         o Choose a few points based on the audience and focus on those.
   * Show them how things work
         o People believe what they see. Include displays that help demonstrate your points. Be creative!
         o Let people try out Firefox 3 on the spot and ask questions
   * Tell them about Mozilla and our mission
         o Take the opportunity to educate people about open source, the "open Web", and why Mozilla is a unique project and organization.
         o Show them why Firefox is more than just a browser.
         o Give out Mozilla Foundation flyers/brochures.

Create Incentives

   * Free Swag
         o Getting people to your booth is as easy as giving away free swag!
         o Contact Mozilla as early as possible to get your swag pack in time (please allow at least 3-4 weeks for delivery).
   * Create your own Firefox promotional materials
         o Use the Firefox wordmark/logo to create your own t-shirts, flyers, and posters.
         o Submit a design to the Community Store ( and encourage people check out all the designs
   * Make it interactive and fun
         o Come up with an attraction that will make people who haven't heard of Firefox want to check out your booth.
         o Install Firefox/Fennec on a device that people will want to play with
               + Try the Nokia n810, Nintendo DS, or a Netbook
         o Show off our furry mascots!
               + Get a plushy Red Panda from the Mozilla store to greet visitors
               + Foxkeh loves to tell people about Firefox, find a plush version to help man the booth
         o Be creative!

Convert College Dorms to Firefox Define Success While it would be awesome to turn an entire dorm into regular Firefox users, beprepared that for most dorms this will be unrealistic. Set goals for whatyou want to accomplish with dorm residents, but don't restrict your success bysetting them too high. See how many people you can get to switch and just havefun!

You can try to do any or all of the following:

   * Tell students to set Firefox as their default browser (many people probably don't know they can do this)
   * Help students get Firefox installed (point them to or go around with a USB key or CD)
   * Educate students about Firefox and its benefits (let them ask questions and try your best to provide answers)
   * Have students promote Firefox with pins, t-shirts, stickers, etc

Get People Involved

  1. Resident Advisors (RAs)
         * Residents often trust their RAs and look to them for help/advice
         * RAs can promote Firefox through their flyers/bulletin boards
  2. Door-to-door
         * Best way to reach almost everyone and give it a personal touch
         * People might not want to be bothered
         * May be against dorm policy
  3. Common Areas
         * Setup a table and let people come to you
         * Provides a chance for people to stick around and help
         * Could be a nice break for people to socialize

Determine who's using Firefox Census/Survey

   * Ask people what they use and figure out the breakdown of popular browsers at your school
   * Understand which features students are looking for the most
   * Find out why they use the browser they do and what it would take for them to switch

Help Students Switch Depending on your goals, you can do the following to help students make theswitch to Firefox:

  1. Education
         * Make a flyer highlighting the benefits of Firefox
         * Show people some of the cool features
         * Explain to people why Firefox is different and tell them about the Mozilla mission and open source
  2. Assistance
         * Show people how to set Firefox as the default browser
         * Make yourself available to help with problems or questions (create a special email account on Gmail, setup a table, etc)
  3. Fun Incentives
         * Give out Firefox swag
         * Have a contest to see which dorm can convert the most students to Firefox
         * Offer to do something crazy and humiliating, but safe, if the dorm converts to Firefox (get others to signup with you)

Get a Firefox Story Published A great way to raise awareness aboutFirefox is through the media. Your school paper can reach students and facultyfrom all programs and with diverse interests. Getting a story published in theschool paper can go a long way towards spreading Firefox on campus.

Write or Recruit? If you're into journalism or like blogging, you might be able to contribute anarticle yourself. However, the easiest way to get an article into theschool paper is to find a writer at your school and ask them if they areinterested in doing a piece on Mozilla and/or Firefox. Both are greatapproaches, so choose the one that best works for you. Regardless of whatwhich direction you go, you will need to be prepared.

Learn more about your school paper There are several factors that can affect the type of article that will bepublished.

  1. Do they accept non-staff submissions besides letters to the editor?
  2. Is there a particular section of the publication that is be best suited to spreading Firefox?
  3. Would a staff writer be likely to want to write/co-write an article about Firefox?
  4. Do they traditionally promote software or open values that Mozilla represents?

Knowing more details about the paper itself will help you plan your goals forthe article.

Who will be your target audience? Understanding the people that readyour paper, or a section of that paper, is key to publishing an article.

  1. Have they heard of Firefox before?
  2. Do they understand the concept of a web browser?
  3. Do they use a browser regularly for their studies?

Answers to those questions will help you decide what type of article to shoot for.

Picking a subject for the article Now you know your paper and its audience, what about Firefox is going to catch their attention?

  1. Does Firefox in general represent values that are important to the audience?
         * Open source and the open web
         * Alternative to the big players
         * Security and speed
  2. Is there a specific feature that will make their lives/studies easier?
         * Accessibility
         * Add-ons
         * Awesome bar

Raise awareness about Firefox in general or inspire readers to do something specific by focusing on one topic.

Putting together the content There are several options for sources of content. Most topics have been written about at least once by Mozilla employees or key contributors which gives you some options for obtaining content and inspiration.

  1. Write it yourself using existing content as a source
  2. Get permission to submit existing content, eg someone's blog post
  3. Interview key contributors to obtain fresh content for your piece

Get Firefox Installed on Campus Identify Campus Computers

  1. Catalog all public computers on campus
         * Find out where they are and who uses them (perhaps the campus IT department has a list?)
         * Note which ones are already running Firefox
  2. Find out which group "owns" those computers
         * Does a professor or academic apartment manage them?
         * Is the campus IT department in charge?
         * Are coffee shop owners or the student union office willing to help?
  3. Research software policies for each of the groups
         * Are the software configurations locked down? Can you convince them to install Firefox?
         * What is the process for getting new software added? What do you need to do to get Firefox on the computers?

Get IT Signed Up IT might not jump at the idea of having another piece of software to manage, so finding out why not is the first step to changing their minds. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind and find out more about:

  1. IT might need to do a security check of any new software installed
  2. Firefox is not as easy as IE to install on multiple computers (no enterprise support, so installs might need to be done manually)
  3. IT will need to learn how to lock down Firefox (e.g. preventing Add-on installs, clearing our private data, disabling preference changes, etc)
  4. Firefox updates frequently, so they will need to update computers often (or ask users to accept updates if they see them)
  5. Firefox and firewalls/anti-virus software don't always mix
  6. IT may need to get approval from a higher authority to add new software

If you run into any of the following roadblocks, let Mozilla know and we can try to help figure out a good game plan to convince IT to install Firefox. But in most cases, you should have luck installing Firefox on school computers... many people have had a lot of success already.

Start Small

  1. Get Firefox installed on computers that you have been given permission to install new software on.
  2. Try asking IT to install Firefox in just one lab first, since they might not be prepared to install it on all computers.
  3. CS departments or professors with computer labs might be more interested in helping you our and willing to let you install Firefox on their computers.

Start a Movement

  1. Create a petition to show support for Firefox
         * Having a diverse group of people signing up to have Firefox installed on campus will make sure your request is taken seriously.
               * Get professors, students, and others around campus to sign your petition
               * Collect quotes or specific comments from key people that want to support you
               * Make sure to get people from all school departments involved, not just CS/Technology folks
  2. Be prepared to explain the benefits and why your campus needs Firefox
         * Make people understand why IE isn't the same and that it is not the best choice for students (safety, security, etc)
         * Show them features in Firefox that will improve the user experience on public computers
         * Explain that some safety concerns with Add-ons are not as scary as they might think and that there are ways to lock down the machines.

Learn from Mentors and other Success Stories

  1. Find a school or department that already has Firefox installed on campus
         * Learn about the obstacles they encountered and how they got around them.
         * Ask them to help you and sign them up as contacts for your IT department if they decide to do this.
  2. Identify campus leaders that support Firefox and find out how they go about initiating change on campus.
         * There are many other efforts like this on campus you can learn from
         * You might be able to get powerful allies in your mission to bring Firefox to campus.

Set up a Firefox help desk Get to know the top issues keeps track of what articles are accessed most often as well as what issues people are commonly asking about on the forums and live chat.

Get Familiar with the existing documentation has many articles translated into different languages, there are also some great community run support sites for Mozilla's projects. Check out what exists for your region so you know where to go if you get stumped.

If doesn't include your language yet, or doesn't have many articles completed you can help.


Get some practice If you're not already the go-to in your family or circle of friends for tech help, or even if you are, you may want to get some practice by answering user questions in the forum or on live chat.


Live Chat:

Choose how to provide support Phone

   * Location agnostic for both you and the user
   * Impossible to see what the user is doing
   * Allows the user to reboot the machine if necessary without disconnecting
   * Can't take over for the user if they don't understand instructions


   * Location agnostic
   * Allows passing of links and screenshots
   * Remote desktop access can be an option if the user gets lost


   * Lets you see the problem and what the user is doing
   * Users have to bring their machine to you, or demonstrate their problem on yours
   * Allows for socializing and for organic growth of people helping other people
   * A location in a common area might need to be arranged

House calls

   * Best option in terms of seeing the problem on the machine it's happening on
   * Requires you to book appointments, can be hard to keep if you don't know how long a problem will take to solve

Set your hours Will you provide a 24/7 service, daily, weekly, monthly? This depends onhow much time you have to give and how many people will be volunteering theirsupport. If you have several people willing to help it might still be agood idea to be open less frequently but with more people available to help atonce. If demand is lower, it might make more sense to take turns being "oncall" across more hours.

Consider partnerships You may wish to offer Firefox support as part of a larger user to user supportoffering. This can help increase traffic, make support more fun as there aremore people to talk shop with, and can even help Firefox users make the switchto other open source projects. A local linux club, for example, might beinterested in combining forces.
