Festival2012/Submit/Governance of Open Projects
From MozillaWiki
< Festival2012 | Submit
- Title of session: Open governance (or governance of "open" projects). Applying methods that open communities evolved to projects and innovation
- Session format: Fireside chat
- People (Come with a visual structure of how their community works)
- Facilitate: Helen
- Main Chatters:
- Jono Bacon - Canonical/Ubuntu
- Gunner - Aspiration
- Rufus - OKFN
- Philipp - P2PU
- Wikipedia?
- Michelle? (might be too busy during MozFest) - Mozilla
- Charles Armstrong - One Click Orgs
- Tom Steinberg - MySociety
- Zaheda Bohrat? - ex Google and OpenOffice?
- Organisations to learn
- Jane Park - CC
How many people = ideal?
- Fun with 10 or 100
- 10 - panel talking and then group disccusion
- 100 - panel then smaller groups talking and reporting back
Open and collaborative communities
What will your session or activity allow people to make, learn or do?
- How do open communties function
- How do they make decisions
- How do they get stuff done?
- Facilitate conversations
- Create ownership
- Culture - How do new joiners understand what the culture is and adopt it?
- Participation - who gets to participate?
- Transparency
- Recognising leadership and authority
- How to recognise and lead the various types of communities within the community
- Paid employees vs volunteers - who are you resposnabile to - org or community?
- Democary vs dictatorships? - http://rufuspollock.org/2007/09/18/talk-at-law-20-openness-web-20-and-the-ethic-of-sharing/
- Types of communities
- Hear the diversity
What do you see as outcomes after the festival?
- Exit - if you have interest - we are building these courses in P2PU / School of Open
- Work on something?
- Sign up for the course?
- Build and run, testing and feedback
- Best P2PU course are run by experts!
- Create a primer?