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Channel Meeting Details
- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am Pacific Time
- #planning for backchannel
Video/Teleconference Details - NEW
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99951 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99951 (US)
- Vidyo Room: ReleaseCoordination
- Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.
lmandel, milan, calixte, kairo, kmoir, lizzard, jgriffiths, philipp, elan, ryanvm, dveditz, bsmedberg, kbrosnan, ritu
Previous Actions
Schedule Update
- 45.0.2 released (desktop and mobile)
- 45.0.2esr build 3 should release today
- 46.0b10 desktop released today
- 46.0b10 mobile should release later today
- Thursday/Friday: 46.0b11 desktop build and release.
- Monday: beta->release merge and RC build.
blocklisting request filed for vulnerable flash versions:
- Overall rate: 1.6 - browser: 0.8, content: 0.7 - yellow (target: 1.5)
- coming close to target, matching 46 now.
- Main concern is e10s-related crashes that the e10s team is working on
- Overall rate: 1.2 - yellow (target: 1.0)
- AsyncShutdown crashes are 2.3% of 46.b9 data, majority continues to be sanitize, see bug 1258350
- signatures are changing in bug 1189715 as expected, hopefully the new diagnostic data can help to find a fix. This is 1.2% of b9 crashes now.
- bug 1158189 HTTP shutdownhangs are 2.4%
- bug 1257387 GC tenuring OOMs are 2.4% as well
Comparing beta 8 and beta 9, stability looks about the same or even a bit worse in beta 9.
- (compare days with similiar ADI, so for beta 8, look at 04/07 compared to beta 9 on 04/11. )
- some of the crash fixes in beta 9 didn't really work or don't have a visible effect (bug 1259089, 1229252, 1259699)
- The first and the last were never a large amount of beta crashes, so high impact on rates was not expected.
- On the second one, the HTTP shutdownhangs are subject to a lot of speculation on potential fixes, this one one of them that didn't directly help
- some of the crash fixes in beta 9 didn't really work or don't have a visible effect (bug 1259089, 1229252, 1259699)
- Overall rate: 1.00 - yellow (target: 0.95)
- bug 1258562 (fixed in 45.0.2) is 2.5% of 45.0.1 data
- Trusteer bug 1255026 on Mac (trf.dylib@0x1c3a7) is still unchanged
- noticeable spike in crashes for in 45.0.2