Firefox/Feature Brainstorming:Document Saving
Firefox have the ability to save almost all kind of the web pages, but i strongly think that Firefox needs to include one more feature to save web documents. It is saving web documents as Single File because saving web documents as file&folder is not useful for the users. For example users have a really hard time when they save some web documents in a folder if there already are folders in it and browsing becomes confusing and confusing in time because of the folders coming with the saved documents. Also when users need to transfer saved web documents to another device such as USB Disk or something, they have a hard time again because they need to find the folders of the files. Thanks..
Another idea: when saving documents, please have FF remember the folder associated with a particular website. For example, if I have accounts open with a bank, I'd like to have its statements stored in a particular folder; when I move on to a different site, such as a utility company, I'd like to have its bills stored in a different folder. As long as the last folder used is associated with the site, the UI would be very intuitive.