Firefox/Go Faster/Meetings/20150804
From MozillaWiki
August 4, 2015
Meeting details
- Tuesdays @1630GMT/1230 EDT/0930PDT
- Vidyo: ProgramManagement
- IRC #gofaster
- Etherpad for live notes:
- larissa
- laura
- jessyca kuroi
- Axel
- rnewman
- jp
- rhelmer
- armenzg
- tarek
- nchapman
- mbrandt
- krupa
Discuss Q3 goal updates per team:
- Client integration (Mossop/rhelmer)
- architecture is looking good, discussed with bsmedberg, but ready to get started with actual development now, no blockers
- need a definition for an addon that is one you don;t need to uninstall (already in the client plan and already handled in the addons manager)
- Build pipeline (mrrrgn is out, no updates)
- Test automation (mbrandt or jgriffin)
- no news, holding pattern
- IdeaTown (nchapman/jgruen)
- focused on getting the teaser site out to collect interest, meeting with marketing to determine the plan (light social media?)
- new team members Dave Justice plus all the universal search folks - planning to divvy up work and move fast.
- Are private AMO addons in the cards? Yes, that's what we're shooting for.
- Updates (tarek)
- making progress with the balrog integration
- some PTO slowing things down on the client side
- working with rnewman on setting the security updates to be the same on fennec, and adding in the dictionary work as well.
- new meeting for updates teams, they will start next week, Wednesdays. Tell Tarek if you want to join. If you need data from/for the server site, come to this meeting and bring your requirements!
- Fat Fennec (richard)
- we have a set of stuff to exercise the things we need to do in an etherpad:
- it's a long road, but we're walking.
- l10n *axel)
- need a separate meeting to discuss l10n requirements doc, if you want to be included in that meeting (this week) add your name to the etherpad here: larissa, laura, axel, rnewman, rhelmer, who else?
- tldr; when it comes to localization, its less of a data problem and more of an API problem.
Roundtable and Q&A
- [laura] Good discussion of A/B testing and push notifications on the mailing list. Both of these are things we want, but out of scope for v1/Q3.
- New actions are to carry on as discussed. Onward!
- Last weeks actions:
- Larissa to set up mtg with Laura, Axel, Mark Banner, Margaret, about l10n and test addons using hello as the example
(happening this week because of PTO last week)
- Everyone to remember that if press asks you about Go Faster or Idea Town you refer them to Alex Shapiro
- Laura (with Larissa's support) to look at existing architectural documents and move them toward a PRD
(in progress, expect to have something up by this time next week)
- We now have a mailing list! If you're not on it, please add yourself:
- Weekly status reports will be going to that list around Wednesday of each week and archived on wiki.
- Please use our shiny new tracking bugs to track your work:
- [Go Faster] Q3 Goal Tracking - Ship v1 of Firefox Experiments / Idea Town
- [Go Faster] Q3 Goal Tracking - Implement lightweight build, test, and release pipeline for go-faster
- [Go Faster] Q3 tracking - Client support for system add-ons install and update
- [Go Faster] Q3 Goal Tracking -Security policy updates through new update service ("Balrog 2.0")