Firefox/Go Faster/Meetings/20151006
From MozillaWiki
October 6, 2015
Meeting details
- Tuesdays @1630GMT/1230 EDT/0930PDT
- Vidyo ProgramManagement
- IRC #gofaster
- Etherpad for Minutes:
- Larissa
- Laura
- Sylvestre
- Tarek
- Nick
- Matthew
- Dave
- Lara
- Toby
- Axel
- Rob
Q4 Goals
(note that Larissa will add tracking bugs this week)
- Ship Hello as a system add-on.
- yes! in progress!
- Convert another feature to system add-on (likely Pocket).
- Laura to confirm with Mark Mayo
- Launch IdeaTown and the first Experiment on it.
- Nick: doing that internally in Q4. ("big launch" at Orlando)
- Design and build out automation to begin shipping go-faster code updates.
- scary, but we have a plan
- Ship security updates separately from trains.
- Client integration (Mossop/rhelmer)
- Blogged:
- One or two patches still in progress
- Security review happened
- Next up is figuring out installing without restarts
- Build pipeline (JP/rhelmer)
- what does the build part of a system addon look like
- SF time week after next
- IdeaTown (nchapman)
- Updates (tarek)
- client not landed yet - some pending reviews related to performances
- we should have some news by the end of the week on this
- working on the next topics in the meantime : signing/verification
- Fennec (rnewman)
- getting close to downloadable content being ready, we need to make some changes to the hyphenation code in gecko
- engineer is also working on literally 6 other things at the same time
Roundtable and Q&A
- Mossop's blog post:
- Some MVP decisions for v1:
- Updates not to be restartless. (We'll do user research - Laura discussing with Madhava and Bill Selman - to figure out where to go from here.)
- Updates should not change strings, for v1.
- We'll reuse existing build, l10n, and test infrastructure as much as possible.
- Action: Laura to update the PRD to reflect current thinking