Firefox/Go Faster/Meetings/20151117
From MozillaWiki
November 17, 2015
Meeting details
- Tuesdays @1630GMT/1230 EDT/0930PDT
- Vidyo ProgramManagement
- IRC #gofaster
- Etherpad for Minutes:
- Laura
- mbrandt
- telliott
- nchapman
- andym
- jgruen
- Apologies: rhelmer, phrawzty, Mossop, Larissa (gone!), tarek
2016 planning
Draft initiatives for H1:
- Go Faster: System addons infrastructure complete. Documented, simple, easy to ship/update, easy to localize. Teams outside go-faster building system add-ons
- Go Faster: Staged rollout of a system addon, with a/b testing, able to ship to a specified % of users
- Go Faster: Measurement infrastructure in place. Telemetry for go-faster addons. Capture usage (Q1) and errors (Q2)
- Go Faster: String delivery and updates are decoupled from trains. Go faster updates can contain string changes.
- Idea town launch: Release opt-in platform that allows us to perform controlled tests of new high-visibility product concepts in the general release channel of Firefox
- Idea town locale expansion: Expand Idea town beyond en-US
- Idea town metrics dashboard: Metrics dashboard to aid experiment authors in making decisions
Mozlando signups
- No signups as of today - please sign up!
- Client integration (Mossop/rhelmer)
- Build pipeline (JP/rhelmer/phrawzty)
- Figured out signing (AMO API) and hosting (s3) this week (woot)
- Ideatown has issues with AMO needing auth for download of private add-ons - nchapman to file a bug for andym who says this should be simple to fix.
- Running shared notes -
- IdeaTown (nchapman)
- Working on branding - plan to launch in minimal public markets initially and grow from there
- Q1 en-US, Q2 more locales
- Working on the idea pipeline
- Updates (tarek)
- Tarek can't make it today, but good progress
- "Updates are moving forward, Mark Goodwin is making good progress on the onecrl integration and the good news is that it looks like I can be useful on the client-side this quarter and help him - so doing that. The server is now available on stage *and* prod behind the CDN as we planned, so it's just a matter of switching the client to it whenever everyone feels comfortable. We should have a cool demo for mozlando, where I'll show live updates applied on Firefox with a simple code snippet (our Kinto integration in Firefox) - that should give some ideas to Firefox devs."
- Fennec (rnewman)
- This meeting clashes with the mobile meeting always. Look at a different time in Q1 (maybe same time, different day)
- mfinkle updates: "Fennec downloadable fonts is super close to landing. Files are on the cdn. Hiccup on gzip-ness, but that should be fixed soon"
Roundtable and Q&A
- Productive l10n discussion last week!
- notes
- summary - use l20n. it is awesome and the best thing since sliced bread
- Andy will make a way for system addons and ideatown addons to not need review on AMO (yay)
- Nick proposes we get some web extensions hacking time in Mozlando