Firefox/Go Faster/Meetings/20160301
From MozillaWiki
March 1, 2016
Meeting details
- Tuesdays at 11:30 local in San Francisco, CA, USA (conversions), every two weeks.
- Vidyo: ProgramManagement
- IRC: #gofaster
- Etherpad for Minutes:
- Hello (Ian/Mark)
- What happened last week, and what's the plan for 1.1?
- Successful update test on Friday
- Metrics docs in progress. All metrics required by Product are already recorded, need a dashboard to surface.
- Build + tools (lonnen/rhelmer/bhearsum)
- Test Pilot (wil)
- Updates (tarek)
- Fennec (rnewman/mfinkle)
- l10n (Pike)
- Pocket (scaraveo)
- [Add yours]
Roundtable and Q&A
- What do we mean by "disable an add-on update"?
- Stop offering it on the wire (like for Firefox updates). Was concern over downgrade attacks.
- If we want to downgrade everyone, what should the process be?
- Release management processes
- Laura and Sylvestre to work up some guidelines. Likely to be incremental (not daily to begin with, e.g.)
- Metrics processes
- Meet with Rebecca Weiss, fill out a template plan
- Get required probes in place before shipping
- Initial dashboards will be bespoke/prototypical
- Question: how do we ship new probes without updates to Histograms.json?
- Documentation
We need some documentation about how to develop and ship a system add-on ("So you want to ship a system add-on") - volunteers?
- Client: where do I put my code and what if anything do I need to do differently?
- Test and Release Infrastructure: what to put in which repos, how to run tests on RelEng infra, how to do QA, how to ship it
- Balrog: how to *actually* ship i
- Metrics: what do I need to measure
- Release management: how much should I ship at a time? how often should I ship? who should I talk to in release management and what do they need to know?
- etc
- Please add items on the etherpad
- 2016 H1 strategic initiatives:
- System add-ons
- System addons infrastructure complete: Documented, simple, easy to ship/update, easy to localize. (Q2)
- Staged rollout of a system addon: With a/b testing (Q2)
- Measurement infrastructure in place: Telemetry for go-faster addons (Q2)
- String delivery and updates are decoupled from trains (May tweak the wording here slightly, but essentially l10n work to support Go Faster) (Q2)
- Test Pilot
- Test Pilot launch: Release opt-in platform that allows us to perform controlled tests of new high-visibility product concepts in the general release channel of Firefox (Q2)
- Test Pilot metrics dashboard: Metrics dashboard to aid experiment authors in making decisions (Q2)
- Q1 goals:
- Ship Hello as a system add-on and update it
- OneCRL via Kinto into production
- Fennec fonts installed on demand (DLC) via Kinto
- Scope and prototypes for rollout and telemetry systems
- Test Pilot locale expansion - Nick/Wil
- Test Pilot launch - Nick/Wil