From MozillaWiki
- [MISSED] Identify top 75% of Firefox 3.5.x crashes and fix
- joint with platform for development
- joint with webdev for analysis tools
- back port to 1.9.1 where possible
- [MISSED] Ship Firefox 3.6
- less crashy than Firefox 3.5
- [DONE] Ship Firebug that is compatible with Firefox 3.6
- simultaneous ship with Firefox 3.6
- [DROPPED] Ship Firefox 3.7 Alpha
- publish full prioritized feature plan for release
- publish proposed schedule for release
- complete alpha implementation of at least one P1 Firefox 3.7 feature
- [DONE] Build development plan for Electrolysis in Firefox 4.0
- [MISSED] Improve startup time by 25% on all platforms
- joint with every area of platform, Firefox will drive
- joint with QA Test Development to develop measurement tools
- improve measurement, improve engineering
- [DROPPED] Stuck users investigation (stretch)
- goal is to understand what's stranding people, not to necessarily fix