Firefox/Projects/IndexedDB/SQL Schema

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The currently proposed schema can be viewed by going here, clicking "Save/Load", pasting the xml file below into the text area, and clicking load. The only tables I'm presently certain about are "database", "object_store", "object_store_data", and "ai_object_store_data". Indexes are currently in flux in the spec, and they may change (there is talk of compound indexes).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<datatypes db="sqlite">

	<group label="Numeric" color="rgb(238,238,170)">

		<type label="Integer" length="0" sql="INTEGER" re="INT" quote=""/>

		<type label="Decimal" length="1" sql="DECIMAL" re="DEC" quote=""/>

		<type label="Single precision" length="0" sql="FLOAT" quote=""/>

		<type label="Double precision" length="0" sql="DOUBLE" re="DOUBLE" quote=""/>


	<group label="Character" color="rgb(255,200,200)">

		<type label="Char" length="1" sql="CHAR" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Varchar" length="1" sql="VARCHAR" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Text" length="0" sql="MEDIUMTEXT" re="TEXT" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Binary" length="1" sql="BINARY" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Varbinary" length="1" sql="VARBINARY" quote="'"/>

		<type label="BLOB" length="0" sql="BLOB" re="BLOB" quote="'"/>


	<group label="Date &amp; Time" color="rgb(200,255,200)">

		<type label="Date" length="0" sql="DATE" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Time" length="0" sql="TIME" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Datetime" length="0" sql="DATETIME" quote="'"/>

		<type label="Year" length="0" sql="YEAR" quote=""/>

		<type label="Timestamp" length="0" sql="TIMESTAMP" quote="'"/>



	<group label="Miscellaneous" color="rgb(200,200,255)">

		<type label="ENUM" length="1" sql="ENUM" quote=""/>

		<type label="SET" length="1" sql="SET" quote=""/>


</datatypes><table x="63" y="52" name="database">
<row name="name" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="description" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="version" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<key type="UNIQUE" name="unique_name">
<comment>List of databases stored.</comment>
<table x="248" y="125" name="object_store">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="name" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="key_path" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="autoincrement" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="readers" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="isWriting" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<comment>Stores object stores.</comment>
<table x="488" y="42" name="index">
<row name="id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="object_store_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="object_store" row="id" />
<row name="name" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="key_path" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="unqiue" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="object_store_autoincrement" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<comment>Mirrors object_store.autoincrement</comment>
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="UNIQUE" name="unique_index_name">
<comment>Stores the indexes for object stores</comment>
<table x="515" y="316" name="object_data">
<row name="id" null="0" autoincrement="1">
<row name="object_store_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="object_store" row="id" />
<row name="data" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="key_value" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><comment>Used for in-line keys.</comment>
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="INDEX" name="key_index">
<comment>Stores objects for an object store.</comment>
<table x="748" y="201" name="index_data">
<row name="id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="index_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="index" row="id" />
<row name="object_data_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="object_data" row="id" />
<row name="value" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<comment>This duplicates data in</comment>
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="INDEX" name="value_index">
<comment>Stores data for indexes</comment>
<table x="749" y="360" name="unique_index_data">
<row name="id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="index_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="index" row="id" />
<row name="object_data_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="object_data" row="id" />
<row name="value" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<comment>This duplicates data in</comment>
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="UNIQUE" name="unique_constraint">
<comment>Used for unique indexes to store data.</comment>
<table x="21" y="339" name="ai_object_data">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="object_store_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="object_store" row="id" />
<row name="data" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="INDEX" name="key_index">
<comment>Stores data for autoincrement keys in object stores</comment>
<table x="250" y="345" name="ai_index_data">
<row name="id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="index_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="index" row="id" />
<row name="ai_object_data_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="ai_object_data" row="id" />
<row name="value" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="INDEX" name="key_index">
<comment>Stores the index data for autoincrement object stores</comment>
<table x="249" y="477" name="unique_ai_index_data">
<row name="id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<row name="index_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="index" row="id" />
<row name="ai_object_data_id" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<relation table="ai_object_data" row="id" />
<row name="value" null="0" autoincrement="0">
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<key type="UNIQUE" name="unique_constraint">
<comment>Stores the data for a unique index for an autoincrement object store</comment>