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Places Query Api Redesign

Project Page: [1]


Query API redesign is for the new direction/design of Places for Fx 3.7 +

This design should not take into account existing Places implementation

Design in a nutshell:

   // queryObj is an object that configures the current query

   queryObj = { phrase:'cnn', 

                // the following 'bookmarks' and 'history' are not 

                // required, defaults are true for both

                bookmarks:true, // search bookmarks - yes (default)

                history:true,   // search bookmarks - yes (default)

                // UI Callback function

                uiCallback: function (results){ // results is an Iterator } 

   // qResultObj is returned by the QueryProcessor and is 

   // an object that has a 'fetch' method used as a callback

   // this object has parsed the queryObj, built the SQL, 

   // and contains an (optional)  UI callback to update the UI. 

   // (all queries are performed asynchronously)

   qResultObj = new QueryProcessor(queryObj);

   // fetch will trigger the search in the database and 

   // fire the UI callback, with the results chunked

Use Cases

Location Bar bookmarks navigation:

screenshot: [2]

   // set up defaults for the operations at hand: 

   var query = { bookmarks: true, history: true };

   // add the string to search

   query.phrase = 'Bill';
   // optional UI callback registration:

   function uiCallbk(results){

     results.length // 1
     for (let item in results) {

       item.title;  // 'Bills, Resolutions Libary of Congress'
       item.url;    // '';     // 123897
       item.path;   // 'Bookmarks/Government'

   query.uiCallback = uiCallbk;
   // feed the query object into the Places QueryProcessor

   var qResultObj = new QueryProcessor(query);
   qResultObj.fetch; // function that returns an iterator, used as a callback
   // Usage in the wild: 'caller()' is a consumer of the QueryProcessor
   function caller(qResultObj) {
     qResultObj.fetch(); // triggers async query and uiCallback

     // fetch() will throw if anything goes awry

     return true;

This pattern of using a callback will require a closure, something like this:

var myUiCallback = function (results) {

  this.document = document; 
  // pull in a reference to the current chrome or content
  let resultsList = this.document.getElementById("history-results");

  for (let item in results){

    let node = this.document.createElement("li");

    node.innerHTML = results.title; // simplistic example
    // note: when dealing with chrome we may want to figure out a way to work with templates: []


Location Bar History Ranges

screenshot: [3]

  // taken the above 'default' query object, we add a historyRange property: 
  query.historyRangeKeyword = 'Today'; 
  // also, phrases like: 'Last Week', 'This Month', 'Last Year', etc...
  // - or - 

  // (in reality, these are the internally-called methods to 
  // handle the parsed 'historyRangeKeyword')

  query.historyRangeFrom = new Date();
  query.historyRangeTo = new Date();  

  // optionally, we can filter the results with a keyword

  query.phrase = 'news';

  query.uiCallback = function (results){

    for (let item in{




  // perhaps we have a negative filter as well: 
  query.exclude = 'cnn';
  // feed the query object into the Places QueryProcessor
  var qResultObj = new QueryProcessor(query);
  // here it is in the wild:

  function caller(qResultObj) {

    return true;

Anatomy of a 'bookmark Item':

   { title:        '',
     url:          ''
     path:         'Bookmarks/Software/OpenSource/', 
     node:         'item',
     id:           354,
     type:         'bookmark',
     children:     null,
     silblings:    (property), // returns Iterator Obj
     siblingCount  (property) // returns Number
     parent:       (property), // returns folderItem
     lastVisit:    '2009-11-04 12:00:01',    
     firstVist:    '2009-10-31 15:00:23',
     visits:       (property), // returns ordered list of visitItems
     icon:         (property), // returns faviconItem object

Anatomy of a 'bookmark folderItem':

   { title:        'Bills',
     url:          'bookmark://Apartment/Bills'
     path:         'Bookmarks/Apartment/Bills', 
     node:         'folder',
     id:           34678,
     type:         'bookmark',
     children:     (property), // returns a resultTree or 
                               // Iterator of top-level siblings
     silblings:    (property), // returns Iterator Obj
     siblingCount  (property) // returns Number
     parent:       (property), // returns Item
     lastVisit:    '2009-11-04 12:00:01',    
     firstVist:    '2009-10-31 15:00:23',
     visits:       (property), // returns ordered list of visitItems
     icon:         (property), // returns faviconItem object

Anatomy of a 'history Item':

   { title:        "Hurricane Bill's winds weaken",
     url:          ''
     path:         '', 
     node:         'item',
     id:           34678,
     type:         'history',
     children:     null,
     silblings:    null,
     siblingCount: null,
     parent:       null,
     lastVisit:    '2009-11-04 12:00:01',
     firstVist:    '2009-10-31 15:00:23',
     visits:       (property), // returns ordered list of 'visitItem' objects
     icon:         (property), // returns icon uri
     traversal:    (property), // returns a 'traversal' object or iterator

Anatomy of a 'traversal' object:

A Traversal is a browsing session that can be reconstructed like a tree:

  // Work in progress - I would like to be able to describe the traversal 
  // path or browsing session as a tree like object that shows  what urls 
  // you visit, how you got there, and if and when new tabs or windows were 
  // spawned. Visualizing this effectively would be a very powerful tool in 
  // helping users understand how they get to urls and why.
  // The questions are "how did I get here" and "where did I go on my way", 
  // "where did I get sidetracked", etc...
    // more fleshing out is needed here.
    placeIdIndex: [ 345, 567, 987, 234, 992, 534, ],
    placeIndex:   { 345: (property), // returns 'Place' object
                    567: (property),
    // start returns a traversalItem
    start: { url:      (property), // returns 'Place' object
             newTab: true,
             dateTime: '2009-11-05 11:05:06',
             referrer: null,
             next: (property), // returns 'history' object

Faceted Searches

  // I have seen faceted search apis that do things like:

  // the 'narrow' call will return a new qResultObject that 
  // can be narrowed futher:
  qResultObj.narrow({ year:2009 });

  qResultObj.narrow({ tagged:'News' });

  qResultObj.narrow({ keyword:'bug' }); // narrow on keywords 

  qResultObj.narrow({ month:11 });
  qResultObj.widen('month', 'year');
  qResultObj.widen(); // removes all facets

  // What are all of the facets?        
  // times, dates, referringDomain, referringFragment, isBookmarked, 
  // inTraversal, tagged, keyword
  // 'inTraversal' is any historyItem or bookmark in the traversed path 
  // that was taken to get to the target url/bookmark
  // 'inTraversal' will require that we store a more comprehensive 
  // "browsing path" data