FirefoxSummit/2006/ProposedSessions/Firefox Q4 Marketing
From MozillaWiki
Session Title
Firefox Q4 Marketing
Session Leader
David Rolnitzky & Rhian Baker
A closer examination of the main marketing programs surrounding Firefox for the remainder of the year. Will include details about who we're targeting, what our main messages will be, our goals and objectives, the tactics that will be used to achieve these objectives, and how we will measure the success of the program. This session will include an overview of the community marketing plan as well.
- Intro to Firefox Marketing - program overview
- Goals and Objectives
- Reaching the right people
- Tactics and creative
- Marketing measurement -- how we determine success
Interested Attendees
Please add your name here if you're likely to attend this session, this will help prioritize sessions and minimize conflicts
- Gen Kanai
- Ian Hayward (Glaxstar)
- Ken Saunders
- Paul Kim
- Majken Connor
- Steve England
- Steven Garrity
- Mike Kaply
- Pascal Chevrel
- Anne-Julie Ligneau
- Tristan Nitot