- 10:30 drs: ok, standup time, hi everyone
- 10:30 drs: etienne_s: here?
- 10:30 thills: hello
- 10:30 etienne_s: yep
- 10:30 drs: ok, tomorrow we'll start rotating the host
- 10:30 drs: who wants to host tomorrow?
- 10:31 drs: (or we could just rotate alphabetically)
- 10:31 drs: (so I guess I'm volunteering etienne_s)
- 10:31 drs: etienne_s: that ok?
- 10:31 etienne_s: wait we said I was out of the rotation yesterday :)
- 10:31 drs: ah, ok
- 10:31 drs: full-time dialer people only then
- 10:31 drs: that would mean gtorodelvalle will host tomorrow
- 10:32 drs: then Rik, then thills, then me again
- 10:32 drs: sound good?
- 10:32 thills: yes
- 10:32 Rik: I think the host should check that the next host is ok
- 10:32 Rik: (in case pto, holidays, etc)
- 10:32 drs: yeah, that's a good idea
- 10:33 gtorodelvalle: Are we talking about hosting this session¿
- 10:33 drs: gtorodelvalle: no, next session
- 10:33 gtorodelvalle: Yeah, but this (dialer) session
- 10:33 drs: yes
- 10:33 gtorodelvalle: ;)
- 10:33 gtorodelvalle: I can do it tomorrow
- 10:33 drs: ok, cool
- 10:33 drs: I'll write up some instructions on what to do with the wiki
- 10:33 drs: that's it for administrative stuff
- 10:33 gtorodelvalle: ;)
- 10:34 drs: so my update: I need someone to triage bug 1032502
- 10:34 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1032502 — FIXED, drs+bugzilla — [B2G][2.0][Lockscreen] The phone label of an incoming call on the lockscreen is not translated.
- 10:34 drs: it should be 1.3T+ but it never got triaged
- 10:34 drs: but that's not a big deal, as soon as it's triaged I can land it on 1.4 and 1.3T
- 10:34 etienne_s: drs: might be worth it to ni? kevin hu
- 10:34 drs: etienne_s: ok, I pinged scravag, but I'll do that instead
- 10:35 Rik: drs: it is needed for 990003 to stick on 1.4, right?
- 10:35 drs: yes
- 10:35 Rik: maybe lawrence mandel too?
- 10:35 wesley_huang has left IRC (Quit: wesley_huang)
- 10:35 drs: sure, good idea
- 10:35 drs: I'll ping him after
- 10:35 drs: other issue I want to raise, we have a new blocker: bug 1030912
- 10:35 drs: Rik has investigated it and thinks it's not a dialer issue
- 10:35 gsvelto: no, not a new blocker :(
- 10:35 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1030912 — NEW — [B2G][Dialer][Bluetooth] While in a call the Speaker icon is shown instead of the Bluetooth Headset
- 10:36 drs: I just got my hands on a bt headset a few minutes ago, so I can look into it
- 10:36 gsvelto: drs, I have one too if you need some help
- 10:36 drs: ok, thanks
- 10:36 thills: I have also
- 10:36 drs: (and my axe)
- 10:36 drs: Rik: do you want to take it? we should be certain what component it lies in
- 10:37 drs: I think it's better if I do though
- 10:37 Rik: drs: sure
- 10:37 drs: Rik: are you sure you don't have too many things to work on already? I don't mind taking it
- 10:37 Rik: gsvelto: what do you mean "not a new blocker"?
- 10:37 drs: I think he was sad
- 10:37 gsvelto: Rik, drs yes
- 10:37 Rik: drs: I'm pretty sure it's not us. I couldn't reproduce when I did the screenshot
- 10:37 drs: ok Rik I'm going to take it, we're running a bit late, etienne_s
- 10:38 drs: I'll try too then
- 10:38 etienne_s: not much on the dialer side, the loop audio competing stuff should land today, let's move on go gsvelto
- 10:38 gsvelto: for my part I've landed bug 1002327 on v1.4
- 10:38 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1002327 — FIXED, gsvelto — We are trying to get imei by dialing the number *#06# on a device, which has two sim card slots, bu
- 10:39 gsvelto: and I've got bug 1016885 ready for v1.4 too, then it's time for v2.0
- 10:39 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1016885 — FIXED, gsvelto — [Tarako][Dolphin][LMK][Youtube][USSD] Pop-up USSD message causes Youtube being killed at background
- 10:39 gsvelto: sadly I didn't have time yet to prepare a fix for bug 1019783 but it's all shaped up in my mind so it's just a matter of finding the time to put it together
- 10:39 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1019783 — REOPENED, gsvelto — Output from *#06# on FLAME DIALER used to return 2 IMEI
- 10:39 gsvelto: BTW I did some stuff unrelated to the dialer today so that's why I had less time to work on it
- 10:39 gsvelto: next is thills
- 10:40 drs: actually gtorodelvalle, but it's ok
- 10:40 drs: doesn't matter
- 10:40 thills: so, bug 1021550 is checked in by Hsin-Yi
- 10:40 gsvelto: oh, we're going alphabetically then?
- 10:40 drs: yeah, usually
- 10:40 drs: just easier
- 10:40 thills: oops, sorry
- 10:40 drs: and you always know who's next
- 10:40 drs: no worries, go ahead thills
- 10:40 drs: seems like gtorodelvalle is intermittently afk anyways
- 10:40 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1021550 — FIXED, thills — [Phone][Ring Tone] The ring tone is muted after first call used speaker.
- 10:41 gtorodelvalle: Yeah, my neighgboor connection is shitty today :(
- 10:41 drs: actually laughed
- 10:41 thills: ok, so other thing is I spent some time on bug 998147 y'day… I have an idea of how to fix it, but I will try and get some feedback on the approach shortly
- 10:41 gtorodelvalle: Sad news is that it is absolutely true :D
- 10:41 firebot: https://bugzil.la/998147 — NEW, thills — [Dialer] A Missed Call notification is given when chosing to hang up on an incoming call
- 10:42 gsvelto: BTW I found another duplicate of bug 998147, we had filed a ton apparently
- 10:42 drs: thills: ok, feel free to ping any of us when you need help. I think etienne_s would know the most about this, though
- 10:42 thills: ok, thanks, will do
- 10:42 drs: gtorodelvalle (connection permitting)
- 10:42 thills: that's it from my side
- 10:43 gtorodelvalle: Thanks!
- 10:43 gtorodelvalle: On my side I am getting nuts with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1018283 since sometimes the tests take so much time to finish or some third party test fails that I have to rebase. This morning one was a tough one after Julien (I think) moved mock_l10n.js from the SMS app to shared and obviously System is supposed to reuse it :) So, praying to the gods this is the last rebase (nice movie title :)
- 10:43 gtorodelvalle: )
- 10:43 firebot: Bug 1018283 — REOPENED, gtorodelvalle — [Follow-up 951665] Pending visual revision and adjustments of the VR call screen when in lockscreen
- 10:43 gtorodelvalle: BTW, we are not supposed to land anything if some Travis or TBPL test fails, right? Because I was suggested this morning to do it if my patch was not related to the failing test :O
- 10:43 drs: gtorodelvalle: let's chat about that after
- 10:43 gtorodelvalle: ;)
- 10:43 gtorodelvalle: Apart from this, helping Paco with some integration tests and started working on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=977056 as mentioned by Anthony yesterday ;)
- 10:43 firebot: Bug 977056 — NEW, drs+bugzilla — [Dialer] Visual discrepancies: Call ended view under conference call participants list
- 10:44 drs: gtorodelvalle: if you've started working on it, please take it and assign it to yourself
- 10:44 drs: and put it in this sprint
- 10:44 drs: unless you suspect that you won't be done by the end of the sprint
- 10:44 gtorodelvalle: Sure! ;)
- 10:44 drs: s/assign it to yourself/set the status to assigned/
- 10:44 drs: ok thanks everyone, meeting over
- 10:44 thills: thanks
- 10:44 gsvelto: thanks, catch you tomorrow!
- 10:45 Rik: ( gsvelto could you duplicate the bug you found against 998147? )
- 10:45 Rik: wait !!!
- 10:45 gsvelto: Rik, yup
- 10:45 drs: argh sorry Rik
- 10:45 drs: I keep missing you because of op :(
- 10:45 drs: go ahead
- 10:45 drs: (and we're over-time too)
- 10:45 Rik: so my big blocker is QA on 1029581
- 10:45 Rik: eric answered but that wasn't helpful
- 10:45 drs: bug 1029581
- 10:45 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1029581 — ASSIGNED, anthony — [Dialer] Contact name is not shown in the call log after having two contacts with same number and th
- 10:46 drs: Rik: is it actually worth throwing something like that at QA? I've found the turnover is 1-2 weeks on requests like that
- 10:46 drs: it might be better to just do more extensive testing yourself
- 10:46 Rik: you can check https://etherpad.mozilla.org/comms-retrospect-demo with the content of this morning sprint planning
- 10:47 drs: I don't even ask for regressionwindow-wanted anymore, I just find it myself because it's so slow
- 10:47 Rik: that's why I needinfoed eric directly
- 10:47 drs: ok
- 10:47 Rik: the alternative is that I land in the dark
- 10:47 Rik: maybe that's what I should do
- 10:47 drs: Rik: well, you could compromise and do more testing yourself but not as much as they would
- 10:48 Rik: also, the SMS team provided lots of demos for the sprint retrospective
- 10:48 Rik: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gaia/SMS/Scrum/4#Demos
- 10:48 Rik: that's pretty nice, so I'd say keep this in mind when fixing bugs
- 10:48 drs: Rik: yeah, I have that in my list of things to do as part of the restructuring
- 10:49 drs: it just doesn't seem too important to me at this phase, I think we should start doing it next sprint
- 10:49 Rik: if you can do a kind of "demo", even for blockers, that could give us a bigger sense of accomplishement
- 10:49 drs: yeah, but it makes the most sense to start at the same time as we begin feature work again
- 10:49 scravag: thills, drs, I have sent an email about what time is good for you to attend comms meeting once a week with everyone. Could be great to mention your prefered day also !
- 10:50 drs: scravag: wesley added a link to the retrospective etherpad, I added my preferred time there
- 10:50 drs: scravag: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/comms-retrospect-demo
- 10:50 drs: scravag: also, can you triage bug 1032502?
- 10:50 drs: (meeting actually over now btw)