Firefox os/tpe teams/2015-07-29
From MozillaWiki
- Features discussion with PM - the week of 8/17
- Updates - Wesley/Ken?
- Addons - Hsinyi
- Webcomponents - Tim/Fred?
- Performance - Bobby/Thinker
- Quality - Josh/EMs
- Nsec - Aaron/Paul/Ethan
- DRM, EME/MSE - Bobby/Blake
- Foxeyes - Blake/CTai
- NFC webcast/FlyWeb/P2P sharing - Wesley/Ken/Yoshi
- NFC payment - Wesley/Ken/Yoshi
- BT? - Ben
- Team sharing with Platform team - the week of 9/14
- Sharing what we are doing and what help we need
- Performance, Multimedia, Telephony, Gaia System, Gfx, and Connectivity.
- Foxeyes, Addons, Necko, Updates, Gfx, DRM/EME/MSE, Nsec, and so on.
- Performance, Multimedia, Telephony, Gaia System, Gfx, and Connectivity.
- Sharing what we are doing and what help we need
- Team building.
- Movie 4DX+3D and Breakfast(威秀食物) + Lunch and Trip to 福田園(陽明山)
- 宜蘭 - 櫻桃鴨 + 朔溪