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Guidelines for Mozilla Legal

In a privacy context, Mozilla Legal is responsible for making sure our terms and conditions, vendor contracts, and other legal documents incorporate Mozilla's privacy principles and attributes, including user choice, user control and user centricity. We seek to educate and inform, while providing context and balance, so that Mozilla can be appropriately transparent, secure, and respectful of user privacy.

Mozilla Privacy Principles

No Surprises

We ensure that our vendors are contractually bound to use the data only on our behalf and only as specified in the contract. We clearly specify in the contract how the users' data is to be treated, thus helping to avoid any secondary uses that might surprise the user.

Real Choices

Our vendors contractually agree not to disclose aggregated, non-personally identifiable Mozilla Data in any way that could cause an individual or Mozilla to be identified individually; or cause us to violate our privacy policy.

Sensible Settings

We use our contracts to establish sensible settings or baselines. For example, our data protection addendum acknowledges that Mozilla user data belongs to both Mozilla and the user. In our vendor agreements, Mozilla and its users own all right, title and interest in and to Mozilla Data.

Limited Data

Our contracts and vendor checklists include limitations on data collection and retention. We also contractually ask vendors not to share data with us if we don't need it. Our vendors agree not to collect, use or disclose to any party Mozilla Data except solely to provide Mozilla with the Services and in accordance with applicable law or fraud prevention.

User Control

Except solely as necessary to provide Mozilla with the Services and in a manner disclosed to and authorized herein by Mozilla, vendors agree not to correlate or aggregate any Mozilla Data with any other data obtained through other products, services, web properties or from third parties in any way that could (i) identify an individual, Mozilla, or its parents or subsidiaries or (ii) to expand existing or create new profiles about Mozilla or any individuals.

Trusted Third Parties

When we enter into 3rd party transactions we work to understand the privacy practices of the 3rd party and evaluate those against our principles. We ensure that our vendors are contractually bound to use the data only on our behalf and only as specified in the contract.